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AutoTuneADF query

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Using version a registered version of 4.86 and the Carenado C182RG which only has tuning for ADF in whole numbers, I entered AutgoTuneADF=Yes in the .ini file and positioned the aircraft on the runway at EGAE. NDB EGT with frequency of 328.5 was tuned ( as 384), but the ADF needle didnt move indicating so signal received.

I switched aircraft to the default C172 and noticed the decimal number on the Bendic ADF flickering rapidly between 0 and 5 (many times per second) but no needle movement. With AuoTuneADF disabled, I am able to tune the NDB correctly on 328.5 with the default C172.

Would it be possible to confirm please that he autotuneadf feature does continue to work correctly as per the manual in FSX ? (I'm using FSX SP2)



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Would it be possible to confirm please that he autotuneadf feature does continue to work correctly as per the manual in FSX ? (I'm using FSX SP2)

Hmm. It depends on recognising the ADF signal strength. Maybe, because in FSX I'm using Simconnect (which is asynchronous), it is taking longer to get that feedback and FSUIPC is not hovering on the frequences long enough. I doubt that the facility has been used since FSUIPC1 or FSUIPC2 days! It was original designed to suit hardware ADF devices made in the US which had no .5 facilkity because north American NDBs are all whole numbers.

Sounds like that Carenado aircraft is only designed for you in North America? You probably need the export model! ;-)

I'll check and get back to you.


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I'll check and get back to you.

Fixed in 4.863, which you can get from the Download Links subforum.

It was as I thought, but worse. In FSUIPC3 it would change between .0 and .5 every 5-7 seconds. Because of a re-use of the counter it was using for something else, in FSUIPC4 it was changing it every 100 mSecs or less! Not enough time to get the signal confirmed!

In 4.863 it does it at 5 second intervals, roughly.



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