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FSUIPC 3.999z Installation unsuccessful

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Hello Sir Peter,

I have Win7 with FS9 (FSUIPC v.3.70) and FSX (FSUIPC4 v.4.86) installed.

Lately I have purchased v.3.999z but the Installer failed:

in the first attempt he looks for "H_KEY LOCAL MACHINE (or CURRENT USER)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\

Flight Simulator\9.0 (or 9.1); --- Parameter "EXE Path" : NOT FOUND --- Asking user to find the EXE. instead.

A pop-up window comes:

"Although FSUIPC is installed, your registry is pointing in the wrong place for this Unknown installation.

Now we know where it shoud point. Do you want to fix it?" ---- push YES ---

In the second attempt the Installer is not successful either and reports following:


Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC installed in:


..... no previous valid version found.

Failed to place FSUIPC.DLL into folder as C\users\......\Documents\FSUIPC\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL

Error 3 reported (Impossible to find specified path)"

This is the end of the Installation process.

What next?

Can you please help?

Many thanks in advance


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What next?

Can you please help?

When it failed to find the path automatically, did you in fact point it to the FS9.EXE as requested? If you did, then FSUIPC should actually be inside the FS9 Modules folder. Did you check? If so, there's an Installation log there. Please show me that.

If you didn't do this for some reason, then I think there's something pretty seriously wrong with your FS9 installation. For me to help I need to see that actual Installation Log. If this isn't actually placed in the Modules folder, then, before the installer terminates, you can find a menu item in the log being displayed which allows you to save it. Please do that then paste the contents in a message here.


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Hello Pete,

Thank you for your swift answer.

Yes, I found 4 FSUIPC files in the FS9 Module folder:

- FSUIPC.dll;

- FSUIPC with [General];

- FSUIPC with the KEY

and finally the one you requested

********* FSUIPC, Version 3.70 by Pete Dowson *********

Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

User Name="A...........l"

User Addr="................."

FSUIPC Key is provided

FSUIPC not user registered

WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

Module base=61000000



InitDelay: 0 seconds




1451 System time = 15:52:05

1451 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

1451 System time = 15:52:05, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)


2777 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air

6630 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

23057 AIRCRAFT\B737-200_TM2\737-200adv.air

23431 Module [M1] identified = "B732ADV.GAU"

23431 Module [M1] "b732adv.gau" access registration is okay

25381 C:\Users\A.......\Documents\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Von der Benutzeroberfläche erzeugter Flug.flt

25756 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

33977 Traffic File #22 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528"

105971 C:\Users\A........\Documents\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Von der Benutzeroberfläche erzeugter Flug.flt

106673 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

106845 Module [M2] identified = "B732ADV.GAU"

113132 System time = 15:53:57, FS2004 time = 15:52:06 (23:52Z)

113132 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 1370 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ****

Hope it is of any help.

Best regards


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Hello Pete,

Here is the installation log of v.3.999z:

Installer for FSUIPC.DLL version 3.999z

Looking in registry for FS9.1 install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.1

Parameter"EXE Path"

Not there, so looking in:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.1

Parameter"EXE Path"

... NOT found! ...

Looking in registry for FS9 install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.0

Parameter"EXE Path"

Not there, so looking in:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.0

Parameter"EXE Path"

... NOT found! ...

... NOT found! Asking user to find the .EXE instead ...

User identified path:




Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC installed in:


... No previous valid version found.

Failed to place FSUIPC.DLL into folder as "C:\Users\A.......\Documents\FSUIPC\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL"

Error 3 reported ("Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato. ")

Is it of any help?



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Here is the installation log of v.3.999z:

Thank you.

It clearly shows the reason for your preoblem. When you were asked to find the FS9.EXE so that the Installer could locate the correct Modules folder you appear to have given it this path:

... NOT found! Asking user to find the .EXE instead ...

User identified path:


This cannot possibly be the location of your FS9 installation!

This then resulted in


It is "Unknown" because the Installer could not find the FS9 files to identify the version.

And since it was not the correct FS9 installation path, there was no existing Modules subfolder, hence this error:

Failed to place FSUIPC.DLL into folder as "C:\Users\A.......\Documents\FSUIPC\Modules\FSUIPC.DLL"

Error 3 reported ("Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato. ")

Please run the Installer again, and this time do as it requests.

Note that if you replied "Yes" to the question about correcting the Registry, then the Installer may simply fail again as above, because now the Registry will be pointing to the wrong place. If this happens you will have to edit the registry yourself.

This is the first time in the 9 years of the Installer that anyone has actually pointed it to completely the wrong place. Could you explain at all why? I'd be interested to know how you could make such an error. Is it a language problem, perhaps?

BTW looking at the log for your very old installation of FSUIPC 3.70, it appears the Key you are using is not valid:

FSUIPC Key is provided

FSUIPC not user registered



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Hello Pete,

Thank you.

sorry to bother you again, but before proceeding any further I want to be sure not to make any fatal error.

1) The installation log 3.999z has been totally created by the installer: I have NOT given any direction or path whatsoever.

In other words: The installer did not ask me to give any inputs, except the "YES" on the pop-up window, before the second attempt.

2) Therefore:

... NOT found! Asking user to find the .EXE instead ...

User identified path:


is the Installers work, he did not ask to find any path or file.

I repeat no input from my side, except the YES confirmation.

By the way, when I purchased 3.999z I found out that my installed 3.70 was not registered.

So I registered (Key was accepted) before running the 3.999 install.

Certain FS9 planes (e.g. TinMouse 737-200) did not work properly anymore (ASI & flaps not operating)..

I did a reset backwards of the PC - now the 3.70 is again not registered - and everything works fine!!

Any clue?

Best regards


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1) The installation log 3.999z has been totally created by the installer: I have NOT given any direction or path whatsoever.

In other words: The installer did not ask me to give any inputs, except the "YES" on the pop-up window, before the second attempt.

That's even stranger, then, because in the Installer the comment "... NOT found! Asking user to find the .EXE instead ..." is immediately followed by a Dialog display with folder/file selection available. It doesn't continue until enter (for "ok") is pressed. I wonder if a keypress was somehow buffered so the dialogue was only momentary? Perhaps you could try again just to be sure?

So I registered (Key was accepted) before running the 3.999 install.

Certain FS9 planes (e.g. TinMouse 737-200) did not work properly anymore (ASI & flaps not operating)..

I did a reset backwards of the PC - now the 3.70 is again not registered - and everything works fine!!

If you purchased the registration recently it will not work with such an old version of 3.70. It is detected as an illegal (pirated) key with the results you experienced.



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Tried again: unfortunately same result e.g. installer log as before....

You have something seriously wrong with your Windows installation, as I can find no way around having that dialogue appearing. It literally is the very next line after the message saying ask the user. I've tried removing all trace of FS9 from the registry, and proven beyond any doubt that it works every time.

Any other chance?

You could try repairing the registry. If not manually then use one of the free programs designed to do it for you. For instance, go to


and download the "FS9 Registry Utility". I just hope that works for you despite the stange Windows problems. If it doesn't you would need to edit the Registry directly. If you told me your actual FS9 install path I could probably make you a "key" file to do that.



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Hello Pete,

I tried the "FS9 Registry Utility" you recommended and here are the results:


" Get the fs9.exe file path as recorded in the Registry


Register key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.0\

FS9 Folder path in Registry:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9


Launch RegEdit and search for the FS9 registry



Step1: Select the FS9 Root Folder Path:

" C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9"

Step2: Select the CD-ROM path (OPTIONAL)

Step3: Write the Data to the Registry:

SET FS9 Path

"The selected path is already recorded in the Registry!"

And that was it.

Any new clues? The path you requested is probably included up here.



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Hello Pete,

Incredible, but true!!!

After the "Registry repair" - although it seemed without new results - FSUIPC 3.999z got installed !!!!!

Probably fixed some little tweak on the path......

Thank you for all your help, appreciated very much your professional assistance.

Kind regards


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