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gear up / gear down FSX

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I"ve a Bodnar Card and i connect a switch like On/Off/On .I'm in FSX.

I want to assigne Gear up and gear down on this switch.

FSUIPC recognize the 2 buttons , I can assigne "G" but only 1 postion works !

Why ?

can you help me ?



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I just found your support query posted incorrectly in the User Contributions forum! Please only use the Support Forum for support -- I've moved it here for you.

I want to assigne Gear up and gear down on this switch.

FSUIPC recognize the 2 buttons , I can assigne "G" but only 1 postion works ! Why ?

Why are you using 'G' when there are perfectly good Gear Up and Gear Down controls?

If you want the switch to do something both when it goes on 9"pressed" and when it goes off ("released" you have to program both the press and release actions -- obviously?


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Hello !

Thanks for your help .

I'll try your way with "control" and not key !



5 mn after your help, I 've one button for gear up and one button for gear down ! THANKS /MERCI


Edited by leinad
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