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Can't run external programs via FSUIPC4.ini

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Hello Pete,

I have this issue a long time now, but never cared about.

Now, that I want to run some more programs, I bring this up, hopefully we find a solution.

I'm on 4.90 of course and have Win8 Pro with full Admin rights etc.

These are my lines in FSUIPC4.ini:


Run1=CLOSE,F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\AISmooth.exe

Run2=CLOSE,F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\Linda.exe

And that is the error I get every time:

468 FSUIPC couldn't run: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\AISmooth.exe" [Error=193]

468 FSUIPC couldn't run: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\Linda.exe" [Error=193]

I have also tried it with and without quotation marks.

Both programs run, if I copy the path's above into "Run" ...

Other programs like Run3=CLOSE,D:\Aerosoft\Launcher\aeroSOFTLauncher.exe do work ...

I tried of course also compatibility modes ...

Many, many month ago this was all working, can't unfortunately say what has changed or if it's simply a WIN8 thing ...

Any ideas?

many thanks,


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These are my lines in FSUIPC4.ini:


Run1=CLOSE,F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\AISmooth.exe

Run2=CLOSE,F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\Linda.exe

And that is the error I get every time:

468 FSUIPC couldn't run: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\AISmooth.exe" [Error=193]

468 FSUIPC couldn't run: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\Linda.exe" [Error=193]

Error 193 means that the program pointed to is not a valid program and can't be loaded. Not sure why you get that. Quotes don't seem to matter unless you want to add command line parameters.

I never ever let FS install in its default folders like you. Nothing but trouble themn from 3rd party apps wanting write access to folders. So I don't have a folder path like yours. However, I tried this with a program which is in Program Files and has spaces:

Run1=CLOSE,C:\Program Files (x86)\CE Remote Tools\5.01\bin\ccfilevw.exe

and it ran fine. If it can't find a file it gives error 2 and if the path is not valid it gives error 267. So neither of those cases are true.

Other programs like Run3=CLOSE,D:\Aerosoft\Launcher\aeroSOFTLauncher.exe do work ...

Put, say AISmooth.exe someplace like that and see if that changes anything, because currently I'm afraid I don't have a clue.

BTW you know you can use the EXE.XML file to run EXEs too? Only trouble that way is they don't close when you close FSX.



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hmmm .. too bad.

seems I have to live with it.

BTW you know you can use the EXE.XML file to run EXEs too? Only trouble that way is they don't close when you close FSX.

yes, that would be my next thought, I will try that then.

Many thanks as always!



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