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Wide-FS & FSUIPC pre sales

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Which version is required to run both FS9 and FSX on the same system? I want to be able to use either, and have Wide-FS installed on a 2nd computer. Web site lacks information, only listing one or the other. Not configuration info.

Also where is the documentation ofr Wide-fs?

Both systems are running Win7/64bit.

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You posted this three times within a few minutes of each other. Please don't do that. I've deleted the other two copies.

Which version is required to run both FS9 and FSX on the same system?

FSUIPC3 for FS9 and FSUIPC4 for FSX. There are not cross-compatible.

I want to be able to use either, and have Wide-FS installed on a 2nd computer. Web site lacks information, only listing one or the other. Not configuration info.

You'll need to buy both WideFS6 and WideFS7 and register both. WideFS is in two parts - Server and Client. The Server is speciific to the version, FSUIPC3 + WideServer.DLL , or FSUIPC4 with server built in. The thing that runs on the remote PC is the WideClient, and that is common to all versions.

Also where is the documentation ofr Wide-fs?

In the WideFS ZIP of course!


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