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FSUIPC4 Prevents Selecting the Nav2 OBS

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FSUIPC4 seems to be blocking the selection of the Nav 2 OBS when using the keyboard.  In the C172 ( or Mooney Bravo) VC I can adjust the Nav1 OBS with either the mouse or the key combination Shift+V (and then the + or - keys), and I can adjust the Nav2 OBS with the mouse, but no combination of Shift+V #key will let me adjust the 2nd OBS. Any key combination Shift+V # activates OBS1. However, if I temporarily disable FSUIPC4 (by renaming the FSUIPC4.dll file)  the keyboard sequence Shift+V 2 selects OBS2 as expected. I use FSUIPC4 to program buttons, switches, and axes associated with my Saitek yoke and pedals, but have not programmed any keys, and the FSUIPC4.ini file does not show an programmed keys or even have a [Keys] section. There are no joystick buttons or axes assigned in FSX, and no controllers enabled .  I have a Win7 system.

Thanks for any help.


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FSUIPC4 seems to be blocking the selection of the Nav 2 OBS when using the keyboard.  In the C172 ( or Mooney Bravo) VC I can adjust the Nav1 OBS with either the mouse or the key combination Shift+V (and then the + or - keys), and I can adjust the Nav2 OBS with the mouse, but no combination of Shift+V #key will let me adjust the 2nd OBS. Any key combination Shift+V # activates OBS1. However, if I temporarily disable FSUIPC4 (by renaming the FSUIPC4.dll file)  the keyboard sequence Shift+V 2 selects OBS2 as expected.


Hmm. strange.  I'll check.


Normally those FS controls which select something based on the next keypress being a "select N" contorl (1, 2, 3, 4) have to be protected from those add-on panels which continuously send FS controls, so FSUIPC assists by "holding them over" when a selection is pending.


All that happens with Shift+V is that it sends an "VOR OBS" control. When you use + (PLUS control) or - (MINUS control) afterwards, it is converted to a VORn OBI INC or VORn OBI DEC control according to the SELECT n key pressed, or VOR1 by default.


I suspect what is happening is that the VOR OBS control isn't on FSUIPC's list of controls needing SELECT protection.



Yes. That was it.  Neither the 1 nor 2 have any effect because FSUIPC doesn't know that "VOR OBS" is one of those controls which uses SELECT. I expect there are others in that case. Odd that it has bothered no one for over 14 years now! I expect most folks use the controls directly, via key or button assignments.


I'll have a look.




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Yes. That was it.  Neither the 1 nor 2 have any effect because FSUIPC doesn't know that "VOR OBS" is one of those controls which uses SELECT. I expect there are others in that case. Odd that it has bothered no one for over 14 years now! I expect most folks use the controls directly, via key or button assignments.


Actually it wasn't that bad -- only 7 years. FSUIPC3 wasn't affected as it involves specific SimConnect event trapping mechanisms.


These controls were omitted from the list:

ADF, DME and VOR_OBS (default keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Shift-A, F and Shift-V). The main ones, for NAV and COM radios were already there.


Fixed in 4.909d which you can get here: FSUIPC4909d.zip


Or wait for a week for the next main release, 4.91.


Thanks for reporting this.




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Wow, what great support! Thanks very much Pete.


One mundane question: When a new FSUIPC release is installed, are the current FSUIPC control assignments and calibrations carried over, or does everything have to be re-entered?



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When a new FSUIPC release is installed, are the current FSUIPC control assignments and calibrations carried over, or does everything have to be re-entered?



All your settings are stored in the FSUIPC4.INI file, in the Modules folder, and that is never touched or altered by any install or replacement DLL. You can even just copy it to another installation (for instance if you have FSX and P3D both installed). It is the file you should backup, along with your FSUIPC4.KEY file which contains your registration.




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I copied the FSUIPC4.dll that was in the FSUIPC4909d.Zip file above into my modules folder, thus replacing the old dll, but it did not cure the probelm, only OBS1 responds as before. Is there something else I need to do?



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I copied the FSUIPC4.dll that was in the FSUIPC4909d.Zip file above into my modules folder, thus replacing the old dll, but it did not cure the probelm, only OBS1 responds as before. Is there something else I need to do?


No. It works perfectly here and it was a very simple fix. I suspect you've not updated in the correct place.


Turn on 'event' and 'button/keypress' logging in the Logging tab, test again, and paste the resulting log in a message here.



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It works now! I noticed this time when I started FSX I got the "do you trust this software" message, which I didn't get before. So either I failed to restart FSX or reboot the computer, or both, to activate the new dll. Dumb!

Sorry I bothered you,


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It works now! I noticed this time when I started FSX I got the "do you trust this software" message, which I didn't get before. So either I failed to restart FSX or reboot the computer, or both, to activate the new dll. Dumb!

Sorry I bothered you,


No problem. Thanks for confirming.


I'm uploading version 4.91 today, with an updated Installer and documewntation (minor changes only) as well as the free-standing DLL ZIP. This will then be the current supported version.




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