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Hello Pete,

Long time fsuipc registered user. I am experiencing a new problem with DME/VOR. Sometime after flying my DME/VOR distance values is blanc! Re-starting FSX will solve the problem for some more time again. I use a registered PM software suite and everything except for DME/VOR is working fine. What have I done differently than before? I installed new server i7 using win7 64 bit.

Also flight illusion standby are working fine, so so I do not suspect network config problem.

Thank You!

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Long time fsuipc registered user. I am experiencing a new problem with DME/VOR. Sometime after flying my DME/VOR distance values is blanc! Re-starting FSX will solve the problem for some more time again. I use a registered PM software suite and everything except for DME/VOR is working fine. What have I done differently than before? I installed new server i7 using win7 64 bit.


Sorry, I've no information to go on here. What version of Flight simulator? What version of FSUIPC?  Is the VOR/DME being received still -- i.e. do the radials stil register etc?


I can't imagine anything which would suddenly cause things to go wrong after flying a while except for overheating, memory problems, and memory corruption. Software doesn't change with time. Well, not this sort of software.


Check that everything is up to date. Current versions of FSUIPC are 4.91 and 3.999z5. For PM they are 501c for Boeing. no idea for other aircraft.




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Hi Pete,

My system is a full FTD, PM B737 software suite latest update, fsuipc/wideclient latest update. VOR/DME being received, radials OK, but suddenly only this information disappears! A restart will bring it back in order for a while. I have used PM and fsuipc as a regitered user since 2002 and never a problem. I now how strange this problem sounds! My FSX with accelaration is also a legal copy using PM B737 model.

If overheating,network or memory problems can cause this, shouldn't other systems malfunction as well? My only and constant problem is limited to VOR/DME.

Thanks for the help!

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My system is a full FTD, PM B737 software suite latest update, fsuipc/wideclient latest update.


So your are using all the PM 501c versions released yesterday? An FSUIPC 4.91 released yesterday?


Please ALWAYS give version numbers. "Latest" is actually meaningless as it means "the latest I saw or bothered to download". Folks have said that and been a year or more out of date!


VOR/DME being received, radials OK, but suddenly only this information disappears!


"this information" being the DME distance?


If overheating,network or memory problems can cause this, shouldn't other systems malfunction as well? My only and constant problem is limited to VOR/DME.


No idea. Maybe monitoring the offsets containing this data will show whether it's a PM problem or corruption in memory. oc29 for DME1, 0C33 for DME2, both are strings. You can monitor them using the Monitor (right-hand side of FSUIPC logging tab), or possibly in the PM CDU.



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Sorry Pete, now have installed 4.91. Strange but now I do not have an entry in fs addon! Checked my .dll file and it is there. Still won't load so delete the . Dll file as a new file would be created and reintalled fsuipc 4.91 again. Started fsx and no entry in fs addons. So, went back to ver 4.90 and it works fine again.

Why is 4.91 not loading correctly?


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Why is 4.91 not loading correctly?


Sounds like you've said "No" to the questions which come up on each new version. You'll need to delete the FSUIPC entries in the FSX.CFG [Trust] section to get the prompts up again, or change any that aren't set =1 to =1.



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Thank you Pete, sure enough had set one entry =1 in fsx cfg. FSUIPC 4.91 loaded fine and PM lastest updates 501c are installed.


I will start monitoring oc29, oc33.


Will let you know results shortly. I'm really greatful for your help!





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