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Installed 4.91 FSx crash on flight exit and select new plane

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I just installed 4.91

(havent flown FSX for few months as I was travelling extensively overseas and always have set this update on back burner. Now I have had time to install)


One thing I noticed is that I load my default flight with FSX defualt 172 cessna. I can then fly, but when I exit flight and select another plane, then FSX crash. I never had this issue before. I can fly and exit and seelct other plane and never had this problem,


This also happen to any flight I start with any other plane. Everything work great and I can fly, but once I exit, and selct another plane and want to start new flight, FSX just "not responding". After many minutes I have to kill FSX in taskmanager.


Any ideas?



Edit: further info

I just Reinstalled 4.864 that I still have had a backup of. when I use this version, I can fly, exit and seelct other plane and fly, and exit again, and load another plane and fly and this always seem to work now. No more problems.

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One thing I noticed is that I load my default flight with FSX defualt 172 cessna. I can then fly, but when I exit flight and select another plane, then FSX crash. I never had this issue before. I can fly and exit and seelct other plane and never had this problem,


This also happen to any flight I start with any other plane. Everything work great and I can fly, but once I exit, and selct another plane and want to start new flight, FSX just "not responding". After many minutes I have to kill FSX in taskmanager.


Any ideas?


No idea, sorry. there is nothing FSUIPC will be doing when you "exit" a flight.


Why do you do this when you can just go direct to the Aircraft menu and choose another aircraft?


FSUIPC will of course be checking your INI file for different Profile or Aircraft Specific settings when you change aircraft, but this is straightforward and is done all the time. Maybe there's something screwed up in your INI file?


Also you seem to report contradictory symptoms -- you say FSX is "crashing" but then you say it is "not responding". Those are two very different things. If it is crashing there will be a crash report -- check the Windows event viewer, application logs, for the error details.


More information is needed please -- the INI file, the LOG file, the crash details, or at least clarification of what is actualy occurring.




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Eish this problem with the enmglish language is no good.

Sorry it is not crashing. Just hanging/not responding. So sorry no "crash report". Nothing this in event viewer either.


I have always flown like that. when flight is done, I exit flight (NOT FSX), get to the freeflight are where I can select another plane and another airport and then go flying again. I mean really, why not. it is there to use like that from start of FSX.


No i dont think INI file is corrups. I just add 4.864 dll file with the Current ini and then everytrhing is working.


When re-installing 9.1. again I use select freeflight area, select plane and airport and do flight. When finished I exit back to freeflight area, select another plane/airport, when flight then start, FSX just "hangs"/"Not responding" (Sorry language). Nothing happen. screen freeze. 


this do not happen with 4.864. So obviously something with FSUIP 9.1 is doing this phenomona, as that is only thing that change


As I said, 4.864 is no problems.


Will post the latest log file when home.


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.91 by Pete Dowson *********
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
Module base=688F0000
User Name="xyz"
User Addr="xyzco.za"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       32 System time = 28/08/2013 23:39:15
       32 FLT path = "C:\Users\Johan\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"
       63 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...
       78 FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"
      812 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\modules\fsx.bat"
      812 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      812 SIM1 Frictions access gained
      812 VRI port 1 "com5" failed to open
      812 VRI port 2 "com3" failed to open
      812 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
      812 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok
      812 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      812 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07
     4041 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)
     4041 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     4041 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     4103 C:\Users\Johan\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\default.FLT
     4103 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\A12 Cessna 172 FSX 172SP\RealAirSimulationsC172SP.AIR
    42308 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\B41 Flight One BN-2 Islander\F1_BN2.AIR
    89514 System time = 28/08/2013 23:40:45, Simulator time = 11:42:10 (19:42Z)
    89779 Aircraft="Islander XX"
    90528 Starting everything now ...
    90543 LUA.0: beginning "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"
    90543 LUA.0: ended "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"
    90543 LUA.1:

    90543 LUA.1: [iNIT]LINDA:: Loading...
    90653 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft: Islander XX
    90653 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft module detected: FSX Default
    90684 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    90684 LUA.2: LINDA:: AivlaSoft library loaded...
    90699 LUA.2: LINDA:: FSX standard library loaded...
    90699 LUA.2: LINDA:: IAO library loaded...
    90715 LUA.2: LINDA:: RealityXP library loaded...
    90715 LUA.2: LINDA:: A2A MAP library loaded...
    90746 LUA.2: LINDA:: ---> ERROR:: Could not open MCP Combo port!
    90793 LUA.2: LINDA:: Module: FSX Default Started...
    90793 LUA.2: LINDA:: Ready to go, Captain!
    90793 LUA.2: LINDA::
   739336 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 650 secs = 25.4 fps
   739336 Average weather filter write interval in that time = 7644.4 msecs

   747417 System time = 28/08/2013 23:51:42, Simulator time = 11:52:58 (19:52Z)
   747417 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Average frame rate for running time of 650 secs = 25.4 fps
Average weather filter write interval in that time = 7644.4 msecs
G3D fix: Passes 23785, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0
Memory managed: 772 Allocs, 772 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

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and this is 4.864 log file where I can fly different planes in same FSX session from "free flight", where I can select other planes and airports and keep using same FSX session

With 4.91, I have to close FSX every thime and open FSX again, to be able to select another Plane/airport


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.864 by Pete Dowson *********
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
Module base=682F0000
User Name="xyz"
User Addr="jxyzzzco.za"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       46 System time = 29/08/2013 00:21:06
       46 FLT path = "C:\Users\Johan\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"
       78 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...
       93 FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"
      826 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\modules\fsx.bat"
      826 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      826 SIM1 Frictions access gained
      826 VRI port 1 "com5" failed to open
      826 VRI port 2 "com3" failed to open
      826 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
      826 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok
      826 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      826 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07
     3900 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)
     3900 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     3900 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     4056 C:\Users\Johan\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\default.FLT
     4056 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\A12 Cessna 172 FSX 172SP\RealAirSimulationsC172SP.AIR
    38345 System time = 29/08/2013 00:21:44, Simulator time = 11:41:38 (19:41Z)
    38625 Aircraft="OriginalCessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint BZA"
    86486 Starting everything now ...
    86720 LUA.0: beginning "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"
    86720 LUA.0: ended "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"
    86736 LUA.1:

    86736 LUA.1: [iNIT]LINDA:: Loading...
    86767 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    86830 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft: OriginalCessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint
    86845 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft module detected: FSX Default
    86876 LUA.2: LINDA:: AivlaSoft library loaded...
    86876 LUA.2: LINDA:: FSX standard library loaded...
    86892 LUA.2: LINDA:: IAO library loaded...
    86892 LUA.2: LINDA:: RealityXP library loaded...
    86908 LUA.2: LINDA:: A2A MAP library loaded...
    86970 LUA.2: LINDA:: ---> ERROR:: Could not open MCP Combo port!
    87017 LUA.2: LINDA:: Module: FSX Default Started...
    87017 LUA.2: LINDA:: Ready to go, Captain!
    87017 LUA.2: LINDA::
   103054 Weather Mode now = Theme
   103054 C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Previous flight.FLT
   103054 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft: OriginalCessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint
   103054 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft module detected: FSX Default
   103085 LUA.2: LINDA:: AivlaSoft library loaded...
   103101 LUA.2: LINDA:: FSX standard library loaded...
   103116 LUA.2: LINDA:: IAO library loaded...
   103116 LUA.2: LINDA:: RealityXP library loaded...
   103116 LUA.2: LINDA:: A2A MAP library loaded...
   103319 LUA.2: LINDA:: ---> ERROR:: Could not open MCP Combo port!
   103335 LUA.2: LINDA:: Module: FSX Default Started...
   103335 LUA.2: LINDA:: Ready to go, Captain!
   103335 LUA.2: LINDA::
   113350 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\B41 Flight One BN-2 Islander\F1_BN2.AIR
   114457 Aircraft="Islander XX"
   114473 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft: Islander XX
   114473 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft module detected: FSX Default
   114832 LUA.0: LINDA:: AivlaSoft library loaded...
   114832 LUA.0: LINDA:: FSX standard library loaded...
   114847 LUA.0: LINDA:: IAO library loaded...
   114847 LUA.0: LINDA:: RealityXP library loaded...
   114847 LUA.0: LINDA:: A2A MAP library loaded...
   115315 LUA.0: LINDA:: ---> ERROR:: Could not open MCP Combo port!
   115877 LUA.0: LINDA:: Module: FSX Default Started...
   115877 LUA.0: LINDA:: Ready to go, Captain!
   115877 LUA.0: LINDA::
   294295 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 176 secs = 27.8 fps
   294295 Average weather filter write interval in that time = 10371.4 msecs

   297400 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft: Islander XX
   297415 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft module detected: FSX Default
   297431 LUA.0: LINDA:: AivlaSoft library loaded...
   297447 LUA.0: LINDA:: FSX standard library loaded...
   297447 LUA.0: LINDA:: IAO library loaded...
   297462 LUA.0: LINDA:: RealityXP library loaded...
   297462 LUA.0: LINDA:: A2A MAP library loaded...
   298648 LUA.0: LINDA:: ---> ERROR:: Could not open MCP Combo port!
   298851 LUA.0: LINDA:: Module: FSX Default Started...
   298851 LUA.0: LINDA:: Ready to go, Captain!
   298851 LUA.0: LINDA::
   306479 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\A11 Cessna 152 CAR 152II\SingleEngineProp152.AIR
   308554 Aircraft="C152II N565W G.F."
   308570 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft: C152II N565W G.F.
   308570 LUA.1: LINDA:: Aircraft module detected: FSX Default
   309459 LUA.0: LINDA:: AivlaSoft library loaded...
   309474 LUA.0: LINDA:: FSX standard library loaded...
   309474 LUA.0: LINDA:: IAO library loaded...
   309490 LUA.0: LINDA:: RealityXP library loaded...
   309490 LUA.0: LINDA:: A2A MAP library loaded...
   309568 LUA.0: LINDA:: ---> ERROR:: Could not open MCP Combo port!
   309584 LUA.0: LINDA:: Module: FSX Default Started...
   309584 LUA.0: LINDA:: Ready to go, Captain!
   309584 LUA.0: LINDA::
   920577 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 586 secs = 23.3 fps
   920577 Average weather filter write interval in that time = 10851.0 msecs

   928705 System time = 29/08/2013 00:36:35, Simulator time = 11:51:23 (19:51Z)
   928705 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Average frame rate for running time of 778 secs = 24.3 fps
Average weather filter write interval in that time = 10962.5 msecs
G3D fix: Passes 25078, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0
Memory managed: 970 Allocs, 970 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

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No idea, sorry. there is nothing FSUIPC will be doing when you "exit" a flight.





It is not on "exit" a flight that trouble start.

I exit flight to free flight section, select another plane and when I start second flight withe the different plane that what I used first, then FSX "do nothing"/screen freeze. This happen to any plane I use at the second time from freeflight section. Default FSX planes and addons.


I would like to use latest product as I like to keep up to date, but for now until you cna check I will use 4.864


much appreciated for your time to see why FSUIP have this effect

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this do not happen with 4.864. So obviously something with FSUIP 9.1 is doing this phenomona, as that is only thing that change


As I said, 4.864 is no problems.


Will post the latest log file when home.


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.91 by Pete Dowson *********


Hmm. This log shows that FSUIPC is continuing, that there is no "hang". If FSX was hanging then you could not get a normal close down, as you clearly have here:


   747417 System time = 28/08/2013 23:51:42, Simulator time = 11:52:58 (19:52Z)

   747417 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Average frame rate for running time of 650 secs = 25.4 fps

Average weather filter write interval in that time = 7644.4 msecs

G3D fix: Passes 23785, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0

Memory managed: 772 Allocs, 772 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********


It was evidently running well for 11 minutes with an average frame rate of 25.4 fps. Where are these "hangs/freezes"? Perhaps you need to describe more fully what you actually see, because if FSX freezes forever the only way out it to use Task Manager to teminate it. Then FSUIPC doesn't finish nice and tidily like this.


Your log with 4.864 doesn't look a lot different, execpt that you've changed aircraft more.




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Yes sir with 4.864, I can change aircraft any number of times, without problem, therefore there are many aircraft in log.


with 9.1 there is always only the first aircraft that work and that is why that log show 11minutes of good flying and only show 2 aircraft, as FSX and FSuip 4.91 do not want me to select and use that second aircraft. I am not even getting past a 2nd aircraft. 2nd aircraft, on loading is the issue


With 4.91, I can select aircraft first time and fly it. When I exit to freeflight, I select another aircraft, and when it load the newly selected aircraft, maybe FSUIP do close nicely as you say you can see, but FSX just "hang" and I have to use taskmanager to close FSX. That is only way I can get out of FSX screen.  This only happen with 4.91. I tried many times and have re-downloaded 4.91 also and re-applied newly downloaded version. In 4.864 all is good. In 4.91, All is good as long as I fly the initial plane. On second plane selection I have FSX go "boink" and Taskmanager is only solution to kill FSX.


Anything else I can do for you so You can "see / understand" problem.




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With 4.91, I can select aircraft first time and fly it. When I exit to freeflight, I select another aircraft, and when it load the newly selected aircraft, maybe FSUIP do close nicely as you say you can see, but FSX just "hang" and I have to use taskmanager to close FSX. That is only way I can get out of FSX screen.


But the first log most definitely doe show that FSX terminated normally. There is no way FSUIPC can complete it's log ad provide its performance summary if you delete FSX forcibly via the Task Manager.


Perhaps you really mean that you send FSX a close message (like clicking on the X close icon in Windowed mode, top tight), rather than end the process? If this is what you mean then in fact FSX was still running and maintaining the good frame rate I mentioned. Maybe it is the graphics which are frozen?


Try some things:


1. Run in Windowed mode, and if it appears to have hung see if the buttons on the title bar do work.

2.Display the frame rate or other things on screen via Shift+Z. See if they also freze or continue to change.

3. Try without LINDA. I see that plays a prominent part in your system, but try just for once. It may help narrow things down.


I'm wondering it it is due to a safety interlock on Lua plug-ins, which I think LINDA uses profusely. Apart from LINDA, do you have any Lua plug-ins being loaded via [Auto ...] sections in the FSUIPC4.INI file?

(Perhaps you could paste the INI file in a reply here -- it may help).




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But the first log most definitely doe show that FSX terminated normally. There is no way FSUIPC can complete it's log ad provide its performance summary if you delete FSX forcibly via the Task Manager.


Perhaps you really mean that you send FSX a close message (like clicking on the X close icon in Windowed mode, top tight), rather than end the process? If this is what you mean then in fact FSX was still running and maintaining the good frame rate I mentioned. Maybe it is the graphics which are frozen?


Try some things:


1. Run in Windowed mode, and if it appears to have hung see if the buttons on the title bar do work.

2.Display the frame rate or other things on screen via Shift+Z. See if they also freze or continue to change.

3. Try without LINDA. I see that plays a prominent part in your system, but try just for once. It may help narrow things down.


I'm wondering it it is due to a safety interlock on Lua plug-ins, which I think LINDA uses profusely. Apart from LINDA, do you have any Lua plug-ins being loaded via [Auto ...] sections in the FSUIPC4.INI file?

(Perhaps you could paste the INI file in a reply here -- it may help).





One more thing to try. Download FSUIPC 4.90 from this link and try that. If this fixes it then it narrows it down considerably because there are few changes from 4.90 to 4.91.



The change i'm think of is this:


"Fixed a rare but still possible crash within the Lua kill/reload sequence when a plug-in is repetitively executed instead of using the Event system or loop."


though at present I can't think what you might be running which would do this. It may be related to the number of Lua plug-ins LINDA runs. Do you know? I'm not familiar with LINDA at all I'm afraid. If you show me the FSUIPC4 INI file at least I can see what Lua files FSUIPC4 can see in your Modules folder. However, there could be others in other folders run directly from LINDA or one or more of the other Lua files.




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One more thing to try. Download FSUIPC 4.90 from this link and try that. If this fixes it then it narrows it down considerably because there are few changes from 4.90 to 4.91.



The change i'm think of is this:


"Fixed a rare but still possible crash within the Lua kill/reload sequence when a plug-in is repetitively executed instead of using the Event system or loop."



Okay. I followed that up and went through the code carefully. I think I've found a place where a thread deadlock might occur, mainly because the modification i talk about above doesn't go far enough.


If i'm right this affects FSUIPC3 too.


Could you download version 4.913b from this link and let me know if it fixes it, please?





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  • 8 months later...

Just a quick thank you


after giving up and staying with 4.864, I did not see your last reply so sorry for that I dont visit here much.


I now see FSUIPC4934 is available so I thought maybe it is time to try this new version again as in changelog it says it fix FSX crash.


My problem has been solved indeed and now I can again use newer version and I am now up to date with latest version.


I appreciate your help.


you sure are man that keep trying to solve problems.



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