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Using Plan G over wifi with fsuipc4 and widefs7??

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Hi,I have a registed my  fsuipc4 and widefs7, I use plan G on my fsx pc but

I  have heard you can connect with it on another pc or laptop via wifi

I have read every thing in the manual but i still cant get this going

all i ever see is a yellow arrow on the world map and the blue planes when vat sim is on..

but my plane doe not show up at all, please help i am so lost.





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I believe I set mine up to use simconnect. I'm far from my sim computer for the

next several days so can't really check this.


I do have a copy of Plan-G on this netbook that I have used in the past to connect

to FSX over my wifi at home.


In Plan-G, under Options I have "Simconnect" selected in the General box.

I have the network mode set to IPv4.

The local, internal IP for my FSX computer is set ""

Server pipe/port is 500


Also, I believe there is an xml file required to be present that has to do

with simconnect but I can't find it here at the moment. Ah, here it is...

in the Plan-G manual item 20.3 on page 98. (page 90 by the bottom of the page numbers)

The simconnct.xml is located on the computer that has FSX running on it.


That section explains how to create/edit the simconnect.xml file.


Good luck,


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