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FSX can't load fsuipc

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Today after closing FSX.


I opened for a new game: and when loading i get something like this:

Aditional problem detected:


Version: 4.91

Company: Peter L. Dowson



Verifiy that exist a actual fersion of the file:

Do you whant to load th complement YES NO.


The problem is if i clic YES FSX crashes with a severe problem window. Back to the desktop
Any sugestion of what's wrong.

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Now i'm posting the install log:

Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.91

Looking in registry for FSX install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0
... >>>  OK! FOUND FSX!  <<< ...
Looking in registry for ESP install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft ESP\1.0
Not there, so looking in:
... NOT found! ...
Looking in registry for Prepar3D install path:
Not there, so looking in:
... NOT found! ...

Checking version of FSX.EXE:
... Version 10.0.61637.0  (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)
Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:
    Found SimConnect build 60905 (Original)
    Found SimConnect build 61242 (SP1 May07)
    Found SimConnect build 61259 (Acc/SP2 Oct07)
Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in:
... No previous valid version found.
FSX Modules folder created okay!
Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "C:\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL"
Looking for the current user's Application Data path:
... found as "C:\Users\Fernando Esteban\AppData\Roaming"
Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one
Looking in "C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Fernando Esteban\AppData\Roaming"
Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\Fernando Esteban\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"
Now checking DLL.XML ...
... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section.
... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced.
     (for FSUIPC4, without Loader)
... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay
Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ...
... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay.
Looking in "C:\Users\Joaquin Esteban\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\María José Esteban\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No FSX.CFG there
"Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder created okay!
Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder:
   Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay
   Installed "List of FSX controls.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay
   Installed "LuaFileSystem.pdf" okay
   Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay
   Installed "Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf" okay

All installer tasks completed.
Registration for FSUIPC4 was successful! (result code 00)

*************** End of Install Log ***************

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Posting the dll.xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
        <Name>Object Placement Tool</Name>
        <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\object_placement.dll</Path>
        <Name>Traffic Toolbox</Name>
        <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll</Path>
        <Name>Visual Effects Tool</Name>
        <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll</Path>
        <Name>PMDG Options</Name>
        <Name>PMDG Events</Name>
        <Name>PMDG Sounds</Name>
        <Name>PMDG HUD interface</Name>
        <Path>Addon Modules\AirbusNewHUD.dll</Path>
        <Path>Addon Modules\AirbusNewHUD.dll</Path>
        <Name>VistaMare Core</Name>
    <Name>Flight Recorder</Name>
    <Path>Aerosoft\Flight Recorder\AS-FlightRecorder.dll</Path>
        <Name>FSUIPC 4</Name>

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The problem is if i clic YES FSX crashes with a severe problem window. Back to the desktop

Any sugestion of what's wrong.


Not without more information. You posted an Install log and the DLL.XML, neither of which is particularly useful for this. Is the an FSUIP4.LOG file in the Modules folder? If so, paste the please. If not then FSUIPC4 is not even being loaded, so it is probably the simconnect timeing problem -- see the relevant thread in the FAQ subforum about that.


As for the "sever problem" crash, can you please provide that actual details. They identify what it may be due to and are always needed.



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This is the error i get excep for the version. I'm using 4.91.

And I don't see a FSUIP4.LOG in the modules folder.

All I can tell.




Why post a picture from 4.852?


Have you referred to the thread "FSX fails to run after ..." in the FAQ subforum? Because if there's no log then FSUIPC4 hasn't even been run, ever. So it's a problem in Simconnect which is usually overcome by persistence, as stated in that thread.


Please also check for FSX errors listed in the Windows event viewer (Start/Run-Event viewer- Windows Logs=Applications, Red error emblem on the left, FSX as "source". Get me the details from one of those, if that's the last "problem" you had.



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I can post this Pete hope it helps:

Nombre de registro:Application
Origen:        Application Error
Fecha:         01/09/2013 16:00:55
Id. del evento:1000
Categoría de la tarea:(100)
Nivel:         Error
Palabras clave:Clásico
Usuario:       No disponible
Equipo:        Intel_Core_I7
Nombre de la aplicación con errores: fsx.exe, versión: 10.0.61637.0, marca de tiempo: 0x46fadb14
Nombre del módulo con errores: FSUIPC4.dll_unloaded, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x487d2f6c
Código de excepción: 0xc0000005
Desplazamiento de errores: 0x6100f75f
Identificador del proceso con errores: 0x19ec
Hora de inicio de la aplicación con errores: 0x01cea70824347bbc
Ruta de acceso de la aplicación con errores: C:\FSX\fsx.exe
Ruta de acceso del módulo con errores: FSUIPC4.dll
Identificador del informe: eafec5c5-130e-11e3-bf1a-00248c52f163
Nombre completo del paquete con errores:
Identificador de aplicación relativa del paquete con errores:
XML de evento:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-09-01T14:00:55.000000000Z" />
    <Security />

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I can post this Pete hope it helps:


Nombre del módulo con errores: FSUIPC4.dll_unloaded, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x487d2f6c

Código de excepción: 0xc0000005

Desplazamiento de errores: 0x6100f75f


Very very strange.


"FSUIPC4.dll_unloaded" ...? What's that, I wonder?

"versión:," Pretty old! I never made a version the first FSUIPC 4 was


The location of the error, 6100F75F is also very suspicious.


I'm still thinking that this is the SimConnect problem, and you need to refer to that thread I mentioned in the FAQ subforum.


You could try the FSUIPC4 loader, as mentioned in that thread.


Also, as a test, try renaming this module: PMDG\DLLs\PMDGOptions.dll

so that it doesn't load. I don't know if your PMDG aircraft is fully up to date, but there were some early versions of PMDGoptions which somehow clashed with SimConnect's subsequent loading.


Finally, get a SimConnect log of an attempt to run FSUIPC4 (i.e. tell it to load) -- there's a FAQ thread for that too.




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Hello I did as this article:http://forum.simflight.com/topic/68382-fsx-fails-to-run-after-fsuipc4-first-installed/

I puted the FSUIPC4_Loader into the FSX modules folder, re-run the installer seems to install OK so i run FSX that shows a add to load FSUIPC4_Loader and now seems to works ok i can load FSX with no problems aparently.


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Hello I did as this article:http://forum.simflight.com/topic/68382-fsx-fails-to-run-after-fsuipc4-first-installed/

I puted the FSUIPC4_Loader into the FSX modules folder, re-run the installer seems to install OK so i run FSX that shows a add to load FSUIPC4_Loader and now seems to works ok i can load FSX with no problems aparently.


That's why i referred you to that FAQ thread some 4 messages back, if you recall.


Seems the change in timing gets over a clash with one of the other DLLs you are loading.



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Pete, now FSUIPC4 generated a Log in the modules folder seems Ok to you?

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.91 by Pete Dowson *********
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
Module base=52CA0000
User Name="Fernando Esteban"
User Addr="Fernando_Esteban@yahoo.com"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
      733 System time = 03/09/2013 17:40:09
      733 FLT path = "C:\Users\Fernando Esteban\Documents\Archivos de Flight Simulator X\"
      780 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...
      795 FS path = "C:\FSX\"
     1123 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
     1123 SIM1 Frictions access gained
     1123 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
     1123 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok
     1123 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
     1123 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07
     1138 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)
     1138 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     1138 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     1154 C:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR
    12932 System time = 03/09/2013 17:40:21
    12932 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
G3D fix: Passes 0, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0
Memory managed: 4 Allocs, 4 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

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