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Macro problem

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so i was building an overhead panel using capacitors and relays as momentary switches with a keyboard hack.

everything works fine. i started making mouse macros with key commands. it was surprisingly easy. i got stuck with two keys. the left and right re. circ fans in the packs section. apparently, when i try to create mouse macros, for those two switches, nothing happens. "the green bar" that shows that ive clicked on a switch doesnt show up at all. any help?

oh and ive noticed that FSUIPC macros work on PMDG products, but not GA Carenado products at all. is there a way to go around that?


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so i was building an overhead panel using capacitors and relays as momentary switches with a keyboard hack. everything works fine. i started making mouse macros with key commands. it was surprisingly easy. i got stuck with two keys. the left and right re. circ fans in the packs section. apparently, when i try to create mouse macros, for those two switches, nothing happens. "the green bar" that shows that ive clicked on a switch doesnt show up at all. any help?


This just means that those click spots are mnot programmed in a way which can be "mouse macro'd". I'm surprise you've not met more before.


oh and ive noticed that FSUIPC macros work on PMDG products, but not GA Carenado products at all. is there a way to go around that?


Unless they provide key press assignments for their switches, the only other way may be via local panel variables ("L:Vars"). Most XML-based gauges use these.



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Hello Pete,


Thanks for FSUIPC BTW!


I have a macro question that sort of has me beat. I was successful getting a macro to work when assigned to a button but cannot get the same macro to work if I assign it to a key.








17=PY,0,CM1:1,0 ; Works great!!


6=77,10,M1:1,0 ; does not work??


Basically, I am typing "Ctrl + M" on the keyboard and wanting the macro to send an additional "Ctrl + F5" and "Ctrl + F6" so that effectively the plane sees all three Ctrl commands.


Is it possible to send multiple key presses on a single key press without using a macro?


Thanks for any insight!


Cheers, Scott

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Basically, I am typing "Ctrl + M" on the keyboard and wanting the macro to send an additional "Ctrl + F5" and "Ctrl + F6" so that effectively the plane sees all three Ctrl commands.


Is it possible to send multiple key presses on a single key press without using a macro?


Thanks for any insight!


Cheers, Scott


Hmm. There's a sort of logical problem with that. You will still have the Ctrl and M key pressed when FSUIPC tries to send the others. Not sure what will come out of that.. Enable button and key logging in the FSUIPC Logging tab and see what actually gets done.


Maybe it might work better if you programmed the macro to operate on key release not key press?



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 so you're saying that i cant program them using FSUIPC, and will have to edit XML gauges for them to work? sorry for sounding non technical, but i'm stumped. 


Mouse macros can only work with gauges written in a very very specific way -- using the MS C/C++ gauges SDK very strictly. There's no way for FSUIPC to locate the right point in the gauge code to call otherwise. The number of gauges written this way is declining rapidly these days. And very very few of MS's own gauges are written that way either!


But I'm not saying that you definitely won't be able to program them in FSUIPC. And you most certainly don't want to mess with the XML, if they are written in XML. What I actually said, if you read it again, is that you might be able to program them using Local Panel Variables (L:Vars). FSUIPC has facilities for writing to L:Vars, you just need to find the names of the ones you want and the values to set them to. FSUIPC offers logging of L:Vars to make this easier. Please look them up in the documentation.


If neither Mouse Macros nor L:Vars are available, then, unless the author of the gauge has kindly provided a way of assigning keypresses to it, you've really got no other resort except maybe using somethnig like Key2Mouse to convert keypresses to mouse movements and clicks.



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