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FSUIPC and simconnect version String

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Hi Pete,

I have a  question.

In FSUIPC.log i can read the simconnect Version String.

I write at this time a litle lua tool for running in FSX and P3D with different functions. I must know, which simconnect Version is in use . FSX or P3D?

Can you help me, where I find this?




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In FSUIPC.log i can read the simconnect Version String.

I write at this time a litle lua tool for running in FSX and P3D with different functions. I must know, which simconnect Version is in use . FSX or P3D?

Can you help me, where I find this?


Different add-ons running simultaneously in or with FS might be using different versions of the SimConnect interface, though of course it all connects to the same code inside FSX/P3D in the end. Only the functions listed and supported by the SimConnect.DLL interface are a little different.


If you mean which of the possible SimConnect interfaces is being used by FSUIPC, the only way at present would be from the message like

Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07

in the Log.


If you simply mean the version built into FS, which will obviously depend on the FSX version, then that is in the other message:

Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

but more easily probably from the line in the INI file, [General] section, such as:



Note that this version number is the version actually of the SimConnect in the FSX/P3D, so would be RTM for the RTM FSX, SP1 for the SP1 FSX and SP2 for the SP2/ACC FSX, irrespective of the actual SimConnect.DLL interface being called and in which the functions avaialble differ somewhat. (For P3D 1.4 it would be But it was also possible to use the ESP version of the DLL with P3D).


I'd be interested to know what use this information could possibly be in a Lua plug-in, assuming that you are actually talking about an FSUIPC plug-in. Care to share?


If all you really want to know is whether it is FSX or P3D, just read that in offset 3308.



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