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FSUIPC (registered) battery suddenly fails to charge

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Apologies in advance for the blind ping -- I've exhausted my (limited) knowledge and am hoping somebody can point me in the right direction.  I've recently done a bit of housecleaning with FSX sceneries (deleted Aerosoft London X in entirety, deactivated everything Megascenery, resequenced ORBX global).  Following this tampering, aircraft (including stock aircraft) fail to recharge their batteries with engines stopped.  I have reinstalled FSUIPC 4.921f twice (including applying the fix dll which comes with the 4.921f download) but no luck, the aircraft keep running out of juice after five minuted on the ramp. 


I am running a registered version of FSUIPC and have confirmed that "extend battery life" is ticked and the variable is 0; it seems as though FSX has stopped talking to FSUIPC.  I base this conclusion on very limited knowledge... thoughts?





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Following this tampering, aircraft (including stock aircraft) fail to recharge their batteries with engines stopped.  I have reinstalled FSUIPC 4.921f twice (including applying the fix dll which comes with the 4.921f download) but no luck, the aircraft keep running out of juice after five minuted on the ramp. 


"Reinstalling" FSUIPC changes nothing, it merely replacess one DLL file with the same identical DLL file. All your settings and other files are retained. It would be disastrous if I made the installer start everyone from scratch each time they updated, and I don't support old versions!


Nothing will recharge flat batteries -- once they get below a certain voltage level they are unrechargeable.


The FSUIPC facility does not and never has recharged battereies. It just changes the rate at which they discharge. Batteries which are still okay are charged only by ground power, the APU generators or the Engine generators.


I am running a registered version of FSUIPC and have confirmed that "extend battery life" is ticked and the variable is 0; it seems as though FSX has stopped talking to FSUIPC.



If FSUIPC is not talking to FSX and vice versa, this will be indicated in the FSUIPC4 log file, and the FSUIPC entry in the AddOns menu will not appear. Check both.


I suspect you are starting FSX with a start-up Flight file in which the battery voltage is too low. Find and delete the FLT file being loaded as default or, if you really don't know which one it is, delete or move all of your saved flights out of your Flight Simulator X Files folder in your Documents folder.


Another less likely possibility is a corrupted FSUIPC4.INI file, preventing your option from being saved correctly. However, if the option is shown okay in the FSUIPC options dialogue then it must be okay in the current session.


Incidentally, there is absolutely no relation between messing with sceneries and the actions of batteries and aircraft.




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Thanks for the speedy reply.  Nothing in the FSUIPC log to indicate comms problems between FSUIPC and FSX.  I tried your recommendation to switch startup flights and it didn't work, initially, but then switched aircraft and switched back, and the original aircraft (now reloaded) worked as advertised.


Hopefully that's my FSX gremlin for the week.


Thanks again for the stellar support, I appreciate it.





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