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Fuel gauge

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Dear Pete,

Is there an offset(0AF8????) which allows me to switch in between fuel tanks(Lear25) and read the tank quantity on only one gauge? I want to select right tank and read the quantity and select left tank and read the quantity on the same gauge and so on and so forth ........




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Is there an offset(0AF8????) which allows me to switch in between fuel tanks(Lear25) and read the tank quantity on only one gauge? I want to select right tank and read the quantity and select left tank and read the quantity on the same gauge and so on and so forth ........


There are separate offsets showing the percentage full for each tank, and each one's capacity. So you can read whichever you like. See offsets 0B74 to  0BA8 and 1244 to 1260.



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Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear...I have a 6 position selector switch which rotates from Wing L Tip tank to L main tank to Center tank to R main tank to Wing R Tip tank and Total fuel, my issue is that I only have one gauge to display all six position  :???: . I need to be able to select a fuel tank position and read that tank on the only fuel gauge that I have . Is there an offset which allows the fuel gauge to show different tank quantity based on the tank selection? Example:Rotary selector is positioned to Fuel Tank Right ( 0B94).... what offset do I use for the fuel gauge?



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Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear...I have a 6 position selector switch which rotates from Wing L Tip tank to L main tank to Center tank to R main tank to Wing R Tip tank and Total fuel, my issue is that I only have one gauge to display all six position  :???: . I need to be able to select a fuel tank position and read that tank on the only fuel gauge that I have . Is there an offset which allows the fuel gauge to show different tank quantity based on the tank selection? Example:Rotary selector is positioned to Fuel Tank Right ( 0B94).... what offset do I use for the fuel gauge?


No, there is no such offset. You would have to read 0AF8 and use the value there to select the correct tank offsets of the ones I mentioned.




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That's exactly what I want :) can you please show me how I can read offset 0AF8? Example:, (all tanks) and I 'll do the rest.


Er, you read 0AF8 as you would any other offset. What language are you writing your program in?  Have you looked at the appropriate examples in the SDK?



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