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FSUIPC and PM Offsets

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Hello Pete, I am a 737 flight instructor for a company in Anaheim, Ca. I basically assumed the role of IT Tech as well so I am learning quite a bit as I go. www.flightdeck1.com 


We run a full 737 cockpit with 180 degree field of view using components from different manufactures. We run FSX Win 7 64 bit, with Project Magenta. 


I have most of the simulator dialed in, however there are a few questions I have for you, I did send these as well to support over at PM but they were a little vague in their responses and it still leaves me in my current situation.


We have linked USB Yokes and I am trying to map the AP Discon button to do just that. I open FSUIPC hit buttons/switches tab, press my yoke button it shows up, check the box fs controls and include PM, I found "PM MCP AutoPilot Disconnect (Not 747)" which does work however it turns the AP off via the Disengage Bar and leaves the bar in the down position, so reactivation of the AP is not possible until the bar on our actual MCP is re-cycled.


Is there a better way to do this? Perhaps AP Discon via yoke switch opposed to the disengage bar?


They mentioned some sort of offset or to use the FSX default (Z) key, but we are using the PM Autopilot and not FSX's.


Thank you for your assistance, I am trying my best to read the manuals and absorb all I can but I kind of just fell into all this, so I am doing my best.


Also I am not sure if you can also provide assistance on this, but are you familiar with PM Sounds? There are certain audio files that should play but aren't and I would like to fix them.


Fire Bell, Packs 1 and 2, Re-circulation Fans, GPWS Test etc.


Project Magenta emailed me back saying it should work out of the box so-to-speak and closed my topic, obviously it is not working so I am seeking help elsewhere.


Thanks Pete again for the assistance!


Angelo Cosma

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We have linked USB Yokes and I am trying to map the AP Discon button to do just that. I open FSUIPC hit buttons/switches tab, press my yoke button it shows up, check the box fs controls and include PM, I found "PM MCP AutoPilot Disconnect (Not 747)" which does work however it turns the AP off via the Disengage Bar and leaves the bar in the down position, so reactivation of the AP is not possible until the bar on our actual MCP is re-cycled.


Is there a better way to do this? Perhaps AP Discon via yoke switch opposed to the disengage bar?


As far as I'm aware the PM "A/P disconnect" action is intended just for the yoke AP disconnect button. I've programmed my MCP Disconnect Bar to use parameters 40 (disengage) and 41 (engage) written to offset 04F4 (you can assign to the FSUIPC added control called "PM GC controls (by param)").


You need the PM Offsets document from the PM site to program PM properly. I did try to include enough in the FSUIPC documentation, but it gets out of date too easily so I removed most of the values -- PM keep the documentation for their products.


Also I am not sure if you can also provide assistance on this, but are you familiar with PM Sounds? There are certain audio files that should play but aren't and I would like to fix them.


I use pmSounds (on two separate PCs, actually -- overhead and main cockpit), but I know nothing about it and don't use many of its sounds. There is documentation for it I think, with examples for playing things based on offset values. I've not really touched it for years.


Many additional sounds I need are played using Lua plug-ins for FSUIPC or WideClient. That's why I added the Sound library to Lua -- it also allows direction to selected source directions in a 5.1 speaker setup.




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The PM AP Discon triggers the disengage bar on PM MCP and leaves the bar in the down position. 


"(you can assign to the FSUIPC added control called "PM GC controls (by param)"). 


Can you reference me to the correct manual to follow the steps on how to do that, I don't know how to proceed with this information but am willing to read and follow along with the appropriate instructions.

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The PM AP Discon triggers the disengage bar on PM MCP and leaves the bar in the down position. 


"(you can assign to the FSUIPC added control called "PM GC controls (by param)"). 


Can you reference me to the correct manual to follow the steps on how to do that, I don't know how to proceed with this information but am willing to read and follow along with the appropriate instructions.


You really didn't need to refer to a manual. As I said, assign to the FSUIPC control (it is in the drop down assignments list) by the name I gave you EXPLICITLY ("PM GC contorls (by param)"), and use the parameters 40 and 41 as I also INSTRUCTED!


Yes, if you don't even know how to assign switches and buttons in FSUIPC, then refer to the FSUIPC User Guide! But I assumed you did because you referred to your use of the Disconnect control!


I'm on holiday later today till 28th. Please use PM support and its documentation for further assistance. I really cannot support PM as well as my own products. But I did tell you how to do this one thing, already!




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