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Emuteq Radio

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Hi All,


I own an Emuteq radio NC165 which is an expensive replica of a real world Bendix king radio which worked flawlessly in FSX.


You have to start a seperate little module for it to connect using FSUIPC.


Unfortunately it doesn't work in Prepar3d v 2 and there is no xml file etc to view to see how it connects.


I have written several e mails to the manufacturer (Steve Masters I think) and not had a single reply.


As I mentioned this is not a cheap piece of add on kit and is really an excellent piece of equipment


Has anybody got one of these and have they managed to get it to work in Prepar3d 2 or found out how it connects to the sim.


Every time I try and connect I get the error  Run-Time error 9


                                                                   Sub Script out of range


Here's hoping with fingers crossed



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You have to start a seperate little module for it to connect using FSUIPC.

Unfortunately it doesn't work in Prepar3d v 2 and there is no xml file etc to view to see how it connects.



When you say "separate little module" do you mean a DLL which runs inside FS? If not, if it is an extenal EXE program which just talks to FSUIPC, then there shouldn't be a problem, really. The FSUIPC interface is the same.


Perhaps it doesn't like FSUIPC reporting a higher number in the offset which tells applications the version of FS. For ESP and P3D it will be higher than that for FSX. This could explain its "subscript out of range" problem if it was trying to use that number as an index. FSX was 8, ESP 9 and P3D 10 (in offset 3308).


Use FSUIPC's "ipc Read" logging and see if it tries to read this value and stops with the error shortly afterwards. Maybe we can fiddle something to fool it into thinking it's FSX.




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I can't see any DLL it just appears to be a exe called Navcom




Okay. It was just terminology then. We tend to think of "modules" as DLLs, but EXE's as programs. When you said it was a module I naturally thought you meant a DLL, which did seem unlikely, as I suggested.




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