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FSUIPC4 version

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I have updated to the latest FSX version and I cannot  go passed the splash screen.........when I delete the .DLL file ,FSX loads correctly.




Log Name:      Application

Source:        Application Error

Date:          12/17/2013 5:53:46 PM

Event ID:      1000

Task Category: (100)

Level:         Error

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:      Enzo64-PC


Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61472.0, time stamp: 0x475e17d3

Faulting module name: FSUIPC4.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x52b0393a

Exception code: 0xc0000005

Fault offset: 0x000138fc

Faulting process id: 0x81c

Faulting application start time: 0x01cefb7ac6cab016

Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe

Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll

Report Id: 15718c63-676e-11e3-906e-90e6bae88386

Event Xml:


    <Provider Name="Application Error" />

    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>




    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-12-17T22:53:46.000000000Z" />




    <Security />













    <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe</Data>

    <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll</Data>




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SP2 here, no Accel


Yes, right. I found a silly typo affecting SP2 only. The work-around above will fix it, or download 4.927a now available.


Sorry, It's been a very busy period what with ASN mods, P3Dv2 and Christmas with family coming looming, all just after a holiday! Oh, and I'm definitely getting senile!




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Yes, right. I found a silly typo affecting SP2 only. The work-around above will fix it, or download 4.927a now available.


Sorry, It's been a very busy period what with ASN mods, P3Dv2 and Christmas with family coming looming, all just after a holiday! Oh, and I'm definitely getting senile!






Thanks Peter......... your customer service is unbeatable!

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After the new version of FSUPIC 4.927a was installed I thought the fatal error was gone, but after 5 hours of flight, FSX crashed.

I have these parameters to look at; (FSX with SP2)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>




<Build>7601 Service Pack 1</Build>

<Product>(0x3): Windows 7 Home Premium</Product>




<Flavor>Multiprocessor Free</Flavor>





















<SystemManufacturer>System manufacturer</SystemManufacturer>

<SystemProductName>System Product Name</SystemProductName>







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Sorry, I had to move your post from "download Links" to the proper Support Forum". For now it is here, in the 4.927 link but i'd really preferred you start a thread with an appropriate title.


I can't really continue support in the SuForums which are designed as points ofrefference for users. All support needs to be carried out here, in the Support Forum.


After the new version of FSUPIC 4.927a was installed I thought the fatal error was gone, but after 5 hours of flight, FSX crashed.


Which "fatal error" are you talking about?


After 5 hours all the possible routes through FSUIPC have been thoroughly exercised! It doesn't change behaviour over time, so this is most puzzling.


I have these parameters to look at; (FSX with SP2)


Okay, I'll take a look. But I'd like some context, please. What is this really related to when you say you thought "the fatal error had gone"?



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Okay, I'll take a look. But I'd like some context, please. What is this really related to when you say you thought "the fatal error had gone"?


This offset in FSUIPC:




indicates the exact same error as in 4.927 not 4.927a. I cannot see any way for the path through here could possibly be okay for 5 hours then suddenly change.


Are you absolutely sure those error details you posted are not from an earlier problem? They look identical to what you'd expect with 4.927, not 4.927a at all.


Maybe you'll just have to change the InterceptTextMenu parameter to 'No' instead of 'Yes'. Or I shall remove support for the facility in SP2 -- because i don't think there will ever be a way for me to see why things changed after 5 hours! That routine is being used at a rate of something close to 50 time per second in normal flight!




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Hi Pete.


I've just bought the active sky next for FSX with SP2 and installed the latest FSUIPC version 4.927a and I cannot use the ASN. It pops out before I can't do anything.


Then I tried changing yes to no in  the InterceptTextMenu parameter to 'No' instead of 'Yes'. and it continues poping out.


What can I try?


Thanks a lot.

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I've just bought the active sky next for FSX with SP2 and installed the latest FSUIPC version 4.927a and I cannot use the ASN. It pops out before I can't do anything.


What does "pops out" mean? And what is it which "pops out"? And how does it stop you not doing anything?


If you have a problem with ASN you need to go to the ASN support Forum.


Then I tried changing yes to no in  the InterceptTextMenu parameter to 'No' instead of 'Yes'. and it continues poping out.


That parameter certainly has nothing to do with "popping out", whatever that may be. It also has nothing to do with ASN. Sorry.



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Sorry Pete.


I shall say that when I start ASNext it shows the ASN main screen and the when it goes to show the ASN config screen it "flicks" for less than a second and I cannot do anything and it leaves the ASN.


In the forum of HiFi they say that this problem was fixed with your FSUIPC 4.927a but in my case does not work. Some people in this thread had the same problem and solved it but this is not my case.


I also installed the ASN hotfix for FSX located in the web of ASN.


That's the reason because I posted in your forum.


What should I do?

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I shall say that when I start ASNext it shows the ASN main screen and the when it goes to show the ASN config screen it "flicks" for less than a second and I cannot do anything and it leaves the ASN.

In the forum of HiFi they say that this problem was fixed with your FSUIPC 4.927a but in my case does not work. Some people in this thread had the same problem and solved it but this is not my case.


I don't think that's right. The problem between ASN and FSUIPC was only that in versions between 4.924 and 4.925a, inclusive (fixed in 4.925b and later), things like wind smoothing and turbulence effects were prevented from operating because FSUIPC took over the hooks ASN needed into FSX.


There has never been anything whatsoever in FSUIPC which can possibly cause ASN itself to crash. It is an independent program and doesn't use or need FSUIPC at all.. So, whoever told you that on the ASN forum is wrong. Please go back and try to get an answer from someone who knows what he is talking about. The problem you have sounds more like a corrupted install of ASN itself.



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