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I'm a new bee WideFs user.

My network is OK.

1/ I run FS 9 on the server.

2/ I run WideFs.exe on the client.

3/ The WideFs screen appears with "connected".

4/ At this time,how to run FsNav ???The F9 key has anny effect on the client.....


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1/ I run FS 9 on the server.

2/ I run WideFs.exe on the client.

3/ The WideFs screen appears with "connected".

4/ At this time,how to run FsNav ???The F9 key has anny effect on the client.....

I assume it is WideClient.EXE you are running on the client, as there is no WideFS.exe. What FSUIPC application are you wishing to run there?

FSNav is not an FSUIPC application but an entirely independent FS add-in. It makes itself part of FS, there is no separate program to run, it runs only in FS. To run it press F9 on the FS PC.

If you want to run something similar to FSNav but on a separate computer, try Nav3 by Ted Wright (sorry, can't find a URL just now). This will work through WideFS.



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