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Controller Confusion and Conflcts

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I am using a registered version of 4.90


I have my CH Products Flight Sim yoke and Pro pedals plugged into USB ports in the back of my PC. At the same time, I have my CH Products Fighterstick and Pro Throttle plugged into USB ports in the front. With this setup, I can easily switch from yoke to stick depending on which aircraft I choose to fly.


My question is ... is having multiple controllers (yoke and stick) active not advisable? I sometimes experience erratic control issues with some aircraft. I have also found that unplugging control devices and re-plugging them into different USB ports causes control problems as well. I have read something about this in the user manual but I am not sure I am interpreting it correctly.


I have no idea if my lack of knowledge yet of FSUIPC or poor practices on my part may be contributing to this. Any advice is appreciated.


Also noticed that version 4.927a is out. Would it be advisable to update to the latest release? This is not a full new release requiring a paid registration, correct?


Thank you!




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I am using a registered version of 4.90


4.90 is well out of date and not supported. You need to update. The current version is 4.928.


My question is ... is having multiple controllers (yoke and stick) active not advisable?


It is fine. But you need to consider whether one might interfere with the other. If you assign only in FSUIPC, not in FS, then you can use Profiles to define which one is to be used for each aircraft. This is really the main point of aircraft-specific or Profile-specific assignment. If both sets are assigned and active for an aircraft this can work provided that the controls are well calibrated with stabile centre areas (so no jitter at all), and are not touched whilst the other is in use. Nevertheless it is far better to have one set assigned per Profile -- the other set will then be ignored whilst not assigned for the current aircraft.


Note also that if you have multiple controls it is very advisable to use Joystick Letters for identification. Then if they are ever moved (plugged into different sockets), or you reinstall Windows, they will still be recognised correctly and be assigned correctly. Best to do that now before such an event is forced upon you. There's a chapter in the user guide about this.


I sometimes experience erratic control issues with some aircraft. I have also found that unplugging control devices and re-plugging them into different USB ports causes control problems as well. I have read something about this in the user manual but I am not sure I am interpreting it correctly.


Precisely the rerason for the joystick lettering facilities -- you need to use them.


Also noticed that version 4.927a is out. Would it be advisable to update to the latest release? This is not a full new release requiring a paid registration, correct?


You should try to keep it up to date. Once you pay for version 4 you have all updates for version 4. The installer does not destroy your settings either, so there is no danger.



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