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Changing view to AI aircraft possible with FSUIPC?

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I have a list of AI aircraft and want to set the view of FS that a selected aircraft (just like traffictoolbox does by double clicking)


I have looked throught the different control addresses and offsets, but (if its possible) i must overlooked it.



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I have a list of AI aircraft and want to set the view of FS that a selected aircraft (just like traffictoolbox does by double clicking)

I have looked throught the different control addresses and offsets, but (if its possible) i must overlooked it.


I don't know, it is not something I've ever done.  It will probably be possible via camera settings and you can use controls then to select those. I know SuperTrafficBoard, with suitable camera settings (maybe FSX defaults), can select AI views for you, so I presume it can be done either via controls or via the AI_traffic interface. It's an area I've never really ventured into -- it might be worth asking in one of the other forums, maybe one on AVSIM?



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