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Mouse wheel zoom

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Is there a way to completely disable the zoom function associated with the mouse wheel ?

It may seem a silly question, but I can't find it anywhere. I know many people find it useful but I find very annoying that when panning around in the cockpit using the mouse wheel depressed, it may eventually cause a zoomed view.





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Is there a way to completely disable the zoom function associated with the mouse wheel ?

It may seem a silly question, but I can't find it anywhere. I know many people find it useful but I find very annoying that when panning around in the cockpit using the mouse wheel depressed, it may eventually cause a zoomed view.


What facility are you talking about? One in FSUIPC, or is this FS general or EZDOK or OpusFSX? If you mean FSUIPC's mouse move then it's actually an eyepoint movement, not a zoom. If you mean mouse look then it is a zoom -- so I suppose you mean mouse look?


There is no facility to separate these actions at present, and it really surprises me that you find it difficult to press the middle button without moving the wheeel back and forth -- I have to make a positive effort to adjust the zoom should I want to. Are you wanting no zoom facility at all, or an on/off capability, and if the latter how do you propose to control that?



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Swap the middle mouse button to another button in your mouse software if you can, that's what I did with my Logitech G700S, I use the mouse wheel click for very rarely used features just because of that zoom problem. I use it to toggle between DPi levels and have middle click on one of the other buttons now instead.

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Swap the middle mouse button to another button in your mouse software if you can, that's what I did with my Logitech G700S, I use the mouse wheel click for very rarely used features just because of that zoom problem. I use it to toggle between DPi levels and have middle click on one of the other buttons now instead.


Hmm. No one has mentioned this as a "problem" before -- it was intended to be a feature, as in FS, not a problem!


It would be easy enough for me to add an assignable control to toggle it on and off (only in the FSUIPC4 mouse look facility). I'm already adding two similar controls to toggle mouse look and mouse move on and off for another user. They'll be in the next version, which I'll be releasing as soon as LM release P3D v2.1.


Another possibility, which may be better, is to ignore small changes in the wheel position until it has been moved more, er, forcibly. The code is more complicated for that, of course, but it may be better if the only problem is slight unwanted movements.



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OK, let me clarify better as I have not been accurate enough in my original post. 

Pete, you are right, I am talking about mouse look. I don't have Ezdok, as I use Opus for camera views but as far as I am aware of Opus hasn't got a mouse wheel zoom feature embedded. The only option I have enabled on mouse wheel is mouse look via FSUIPC. You are also right that it is not so simple to rotate the wheel when you depress it for VC panning. My problem is that in those rare occasions when I inadvertently rotate the mouse wheel while it is also depressed, the zoom level changes and there is no way to reset it at the original value (ok, the obyious way is to rotate the wheel in the opposite direction, but it is not accurate). So, my question could be put differently: is there a way to reset the zoom level to the original level once it has been changed via a mouse wheel rotation ?




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OK, let me clarify better as I have not been accurate enough in my original post. 

Pete, you are right, I am talking about mouse look. I don't have Ezdok, as I use Opus for camera views but as far as I am aware of Opus hasn't got a mouse wheel zoom feature embedded. The only option I have enabled on mouse wheel is mouse look via FSUIPC. You are also right that it is not so simple to rotate the wheel when you depress it for VC panning. My problem is that in those rare occasions when I inadvertently rotate the mouse wheel while it is also depressed, the zoom level changes and there is no way to reset it at the original value (ok, the obyious way is to rotate the wheel in the opposite direction, but it is not accurate). So, my question could be put differently: is there a way to reset the zoom level to the original level once it has been changed via a mouse wheel rotation ?


No, not really -- how would it know which zoom level you wanted? The one originally loaded for the first view ever in the whole session, or what? Zooms are set by panel definitions and probably also saved flights.


If you have a specific zoom setting you want to be able to set you could just use a button or keypress assigned to VIEW1 ZOOM SET with a suitable parameter which you'd need to calculate. A value of 64 is 1x, 128 is 2x and so on, so a 0.50 zoom would be 32.


Meanwhile, I have implemented an option for a small delay before zooming starts, a bit like the delay you get on a keyboard before it starts repeating. If you'd like to try this before the next actual release let me know, and I'll upload it and provide a link.




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I don't think that a delay before zooming starts would really make the difference.


I don't understand why you'd think that. Are you moving the wheel continuously whilst panning around? I assumed the only likely time you'd move it unintentionally what when you initially pressed it. If you don't continually move it, then the modification I have made will ignore the initial movement.


It works fine here, but please yourself. I don't understand why you bothered to ask for some change in the first place now.



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I don't understand why you'd think that. Are you moving the wheel continuously whilst panning around? I assumed the only likely time you'd move it unintentionally what when you initially pressed it. If you don't continually move it, then the modification I have made will ignore the initial movement.


It works fine here, but please yourself. I don't understand why you bothered to ask for some change in the first place now.




I guess I missed the point when I read your first post on the delay before zooming. Now I got it, and, yes, you are right "... the only likely time you'd move it unintentionally ... when you initially pressed it. If you don't continually move it, then the modification I have made will ignore the initial movement..."

In this case I think it would really make the difference I am looking for....sorry for misunderstanding you and quickly jumping to the wrong conclusion. I would like to try this option.

Thank you



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In this case I think it would really make the difference I am looking for....sorry for misunderstanding you and quickly jumping to the wrong conclusion. I would like to try this option.

Thank you


Okay. download FSUIPC4928d and put in the FSX Modules folder. It's an interim update -- I plan to make a new release soon, but need to wait for P3D 2.1 so I can make sure everything is still okay with that. There's no documentation for it yet.


Edit the FSUIPC4.INI, adding the line




to the [General] section.




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