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Hi Pete,


Hope you can help - i'm trying to use widefs to allow a PTT press from a CH yoke to operate the F12 command in SB4 running on a networked pc.


I've done the things stated in the setup and widefs is connected fine. I've set up FSUIPC with the command linking the button press to PTT on and PTT off (which says SB3?) and configured it to repeat. (I've tried it not repeating too).


With the SB comms window open in FSX, the tx light doesn't come on and I don't get the tx error sound that I do when pressing F12 on the machine running SB.


I've entered the lines correctly into the ini file as per the manual (I think):


KeySend1=123,16 ; Press F12
KeySend2=123,24 ; Release F12


Is there something I've missed?

  On 2/1/2014 at 1:49 AM, Andrew Kewley said:

Hope you can help - i'm trying to use widefs to allow a PTT press from a CH yoke to operate the F12 command in SB4 running on a networked pc.

I've done the things stated in the setup and widefs is connected fine. I've set up FSUIPC with the command linking the button press to PTT on and PTT off (which says SB3?) and configured it to repeat. (I've tried it not repeating too).


You certainly don't want it repeating, on ON when pressed and OFF when released.


With the SB comms window open in FSX, the tx light doesn't come on and I don't get the tx error sound that I do when pressing F12 on the machine running SB.




I've entered the lines correctly into the ini file as per the manual (I think):




KeySend1=123,16 ; Press F12

KeySend2=123,24 ; Release F12



Is there something I've missed?




Those assignments are for KeySends 1 and 2, not for PTT assignment. To link to those in FSUIPC you need to assign to KeySend 1 and KeySend 2, not to PTT.


The whole point of assigning to PTT on and PTT off is to make it dead easy -- you need do nothing at all in WideFS for those (as it clearly says in the boxed text) -- assuming of course that the target program accepts standard "Roger Wilco" messages (as certainly SB3 did and also I thought SB4).


You seem to have mixed up the suggested assignments for TeamSpeak, using normal KeySend assignments, and those for SB3/Roger Wilco.



Posted (edited)

Morning Pete :)


Ok, in FSUIPC I now have, under the keypress tab, F12 = PTT on / PTT off, Parameter 0. In the Buttons + Switches tab, I've got the CH Yoke button linked to keysend 1-255 with parameters 1 & 2 respectively.


I didn't put the widefs module into FSX as the manual said that wasn't required - was that right or have I misread that?


The ini file on the networked pc is as original post.


I don't know if it makes a difference but FSX = Win7 and Squawkbox4 = Win8. I have just checked that log file and it has the 249 connection confirmation so don't think it's a network issue?


I have noticed in the logfile for the FSX side it has:


1205185 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=9084) TCP


Probably, this is pure muppetry on my part but any further thoughts?


Many thanks :)

Edited by Andrew Kewley
  On 2/1/2014 at 11:04 AM, Andrew Kewley said:

Ok, in FSUIPC I now have, under the keypress tab, F12 = PTT on / PTT off, Parameter 0. In the Buttons + Switches tab, I've got the CH Yoke button linked to keysend 1-255 with parameters 1 & 2 respectively.


Why do you have F12 on the FS PC assigned as well as buttons on the yoke? Are you using them both alternately or something?Obviously F12 on the FS PC isn't F12 on the networked PC.


And you have to make up your mind whether you are wanting to send F12 to SB4 or try using it's Roger Wilco message capability, if that still exists. I can't help you that end, you need SB4 help or documentation.


  On 2/1/2014 at 11:04 AM, Andrew Kewley said:

I didn't put the widefs module into FSX as the manual said that wasn't required - was that right or have I misread that?


If you mean WideServer.DLL, it isn't used in FSX or P3D because it is built into FSUIPC4, as the documentation tells you.


The ini file on the networked pc is as original post.


That is set to use F12 on the client PC, so you aren't using the F12 key you assigned on the FS PC? Only the buttons on the yoke? If that doesn't work it may be because SB4 is using a keyboard state/scan, and will therefore only respond to a real keyboard. Or it could be that you are running SB4 "as administrator" but WideClient normally, or vice versa.  They must both be run in the same way -- probably best if you got WideClient to run SB4 for you.


I have just checked that log file and it has the 249 connection confirmation so don't think it's a network issue?


What's 249?



I have noticed in the logfile for the FSX side it has:

1205185 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=9084) TCPProbably, this is pure muppetry on my part but any further thoughts?


Is that after you closed the client side, or when FS was closing down? It is after 20 minutes.





ok, tried administrator setting and now it doesnt connect at all. I've put a fresh version of the client on and the log now shows:


********* WideClient Log [version 6.999b] Class=FS98MAIN *********
Date (dmy): 01/02/14, Time 13:43:59.210: Client name is FLIGHTSIM
      187 Attempting to connect now
      187 Trying TCP/IP host "AlpinePC" port 8002 ...
      187 ... Okay, IP Address =
      219 LUA: "C:\Users\Andy\Documents\WideFS\Initial.LUA": not found
    21201 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out
    21201 Ready to try connection again
    22215 Attempting to connect now

    25257 ****** End of session performance summary ******
    25257 Total time connected = 0 seconds
    25257 Reception maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
    25257 Transmission maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
    25257 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

    25257 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********


To answer the above:


I only want to make the CH yoke button act as TX for SB4 which is running on a networked PC. I dont use RW or any of the others.
I didnt put wideserver.dll because the manual said not to.

No, the error code was while FS was still running.. now there's no log at all!


I have checked the windows firewall and the ports used are allowed through but just to be sure i turned off the firewall on both pc's and it's made no difference.


  On 2/1/2014 at 1:54 PM, Andrew Kewley said:

ok, tried administrator setting and now it doesnt connect at all. I've put a fresh version of the client on and the log now shows:


Whether WideClient connects is nothing whatsoever to do with its privilege level on the Client. Using "run as administrator" merely runs it with more privileges, it changes nothing else. And you should never need it -- better to run SB4 without "run as administrator" instead.



    21201 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out



It timed out waiting for the server in the FS PC, but it might have recovered when FS and FSUIPC were fully ready -- you terminated Wideclient only 3 seconds later, no time at all for a retry even!


I only want to make the CH yoke button act as TX for SB4 which is running on a networked PC. I dont use RW or any of the others.


So why have you assigned the F12 key to send the PTT on and PTT off codes instead of the yoke buttons? You've not answered the questions at all.  What on Earth are you using the F12 key on the FS PC for?


and I know you are runninmg SB4 on the networked Pc. You said that at the start. That's what this whole exchange is all about! Roger Wilco references are to the standard PTT on and off messages which RW first established and which were copied in Squawkbox. It's a system where a program like FSUIPC or WideClient can send messages direct to SB (or RW etc etc) to handle PTT reather than mess about with keystrokes which are always problematic.


I didnt put wideserver.dll because the manual said not to.


Yes, exactly as I said! Why repeat this?


No, the error code was while FS was still running.. now there's no log at all!


What "error code"? You said something about "249" -- I don't know what 249 is. You said nothing about an error code!


If there is no log then FSUIPC is not running. It always produces a log. If FSUIPC is not running you will get no connection, as you found!


You seem extrremely confused. I'm trying to get answers to simple questions so I can help you, but you are misreading them.




ok, sorted the connection problem, silly error on my part :)


So, back to the PTT thing..  i've deleted the F12 key setting. As you say i don't need both! What do i need to do from here? I'm happy to start from scratch if you can explain it in simple steps!!


I know this is probably simple stuff to you Pete but, as you've rightly pointed out, it's confused my poor little brain!

  On 2/1/2014 at 3:26 PM, Andrew Kewley said:

So, back to the PTT thing..  i've deleted the F12 key setting. As you say i don't need both! What do i need to do from here? I'm happy to start from scratch if you can explain it in simple steps!!


You simply assign the button you want to PTT on (press) and PTT off (release). That is it. nothing else to set, no WideClient parameters, nothing, exactly as documented!



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