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Airbus X Extended WideFS problem

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i have two pc network,


in nuber one i have installed FSX and his addons.

In number two i have installed FSGRW, PFPX, TOPCAT, Alitrak (client of my VA9.

To communicate with FSX, PFPX, TOPCAT and Alitrak need WideFS.


When active WideFS, during take-off as soon as the whells off the ground, the A/T go to idle and the spoilers go to full. All by itself without me touching anything!!


It also happened during approach. At 100ft the A/T go to idle.


When i don't use WideFS all is normal.


I tried to use alone WideFS and FSX, without any other program, but the result is the same.


I don't use FSUIPC to manage joystick or throttle quadrant.


Any suggestion?


Salvo Frisa


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When active WideFS, during take-off as soon as the whells off the ground, the A/T go to idle and the spoilers go to full. All by itself without me touching anything!!


It also happened during approach. At 100ft the A/T go to idle.


When i don't use WideFS all is normal.


I tried to use alone WideFS and FSX, without any other program, but the result is the same.


WideFS does absolutely nothing at all except allow programs on the client to talk to FS through FSUIPC. You most certainly have something else making these changes. Maybe you have some Lua plug-in installed in the same folder as WideClient on the client PC? Any .lua file there will be automatically run as soon as WideClient connects. If not then you have some other program or assignment doing it. Don't forget that buttons and switches on the Client PC can also be assigned in FSUIPC on the FS PC.




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