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Fsuipc setup

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Peter or anyone else,

I am using a Microsoft sidewinder as my controls in FSX. I also have the registerred FSUIPC program but todate still unable to performance a correct setup.

Reason !

Lack of knowledge and unable to find a correct tutorial.


An understandable tutorial effecting my controler.

While on the subject , where can I find a good setup for Active next?

Kind regards


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An understandable tutorial effecting my controler.


All controllers are basically the same. First of all, decide WHY you are wanting to use FSUIPC. What is wrong with the normal FS assignments? If you are needing to have different controls assigned for different aircraft, then FSUIPC comes into its own, but if you only have the one controller, and a simple one like the Sidewinder at that, what is it you think FSUIPC will do for you?


If it's only a matter of better or more precise calibration, just refer to the Calibration chapter in the User Guide and follow the simple numbered steps. That's what they are there for.


I can answer specific questions, but since everyone's use of FSUIPC is different -- it is a general toolkit after all -- there can be no such thing as a "tutorial" to suit everyone's individual and specific needs.


If you purchased FSUIPC I assume you must have had a good reason? Did you not read about it first? All the documentation is available before you purchase, so it would have been easy to determine whether it was what you wanted, don't you think?



While on the subject , where can I find a good setup for Active next


As far as I can see, ASN needs no setting up. Just install it, run it, and go fly. What setting up do you want? Anyway, Active Sky's own support place is where you need to go for more on this. I can't support every one's programs! Sorry.



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I had new hard drive installed...how can I determine if myregistered FSUIPC4/WIDE  has been saved,as a TECH REPLACED THE HARD DRIVE.I . hAVE NOT REINSTALLED fsx/ iflyb737.


What an odd question. I'm not sure how to answer. Is it working? if so it is there. If not we need to delve deeper. Why should that specifically have disappeared if FSX hasn't?



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