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Prepar3d V2.2 & RC4

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            Trying to run RC4 in P3d causes CTD. My computer Events log shows this as a FSUIPC error. My P3d is the latest (2.2.10437.0), downloaded yesterday, as is my FSUIPC ( Any ideas?


For many applications, and for some of its facilities, I'm afraid FSUIPC needs the very latest P3D 2.2. There are serious problems using it for many things with 10437 -- the latest is 10438. I put a link to where to find that L-M  Hotfix in the Download Links subforum, next to the details for FSUIPC 4.931.


I know the changes guide says it can be used with the standard 10437 release, but this turns out to be not quite the case, depending on your use. That is why I put the warning in the sticky at the top of this Forum and also details of 10438 next to the download link.



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