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Trouble key assignment FSUIP4 and PMDG 738NGX

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Hello Guys and Gals


I am a total newbie and If I ask a stupid question please bear with me as I said before I am a total beginner


I have PMDG 738 NGX with FSUIP4 (4.933) on FSX.


If I understand correctly I cannot key program  button and switches from the topdown addon menu in FSUIP4 for the PMDG 738 NGX. Non of the button presses are working. Is there a fault with my installation or is this the normal way of key programming the PMDG 738 using FSUIP4.



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If I understand correctly I cannot key program  button and switches from the topdown addon menu in FSUIP4 for the PMDG 738 NGX.


Not sure why you think that?  There is a huge number of "custom controls" which can be assigned for the PMDG NGX -- they mostly are assigned by number, obtained from the .h file in the PMDG 737NGX SDK folder.


And in any case, isn't the NGX controllable via assignable keystrokes, or does it only use mouse clicks? Even if this is the case, there's lots of evidence showing that it accepts programmed mouse macros -- see the thread about this entitled "FSUIPC Mouse Macros for PMDG 737NGX" in the User Contributions subforum above.


Non of the button presses are working. Is there a fault with my installation


Without knowing what you've assigned your button presses to do, I can't possibly help you there. And I don't use the PMDG 737NGX myself. You should refer to the assorted User Contributions for this aircraft, or talk to folks on the PMDG forum for the aircraft.


... or is this the normal way of key programming the PMDG 738 using FSUIP4.


Sorry, you haven't mentioned any particular way of programming it, so I can't really say.



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