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Bodner BBI 32

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Hi Pete, I have encountered a minor problem and I'm not sure if it is FSUIPC related.

My BBI 32 card is recognised by FSUIPC as joystick #3, when I connect an additional BBI 32 card the assignments on the original will not work.

The cause being, when the second card is connected FSUIPC recognises the second card as joystick #3 and the original as joystick #4 !!!!!

Is there a way to avoid this happening so the cards don't have to be re-programmed or the FSUIPC ini file edited ??????



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Hi Pete, I have encountered a minor problem and I'm not sure if it is FSUIPC related.

My BBI 32 card is recognised by FSUIPC as joystick #3, when I connect an additional BBI 32 card the assignments on the original will not work.

The cause being, when the second card is connected FSUIPC recognises the second card as joystick #3 and the original as joystick #4 !!!!!


Please look at the [JoyNames] section of your FSUIPC INI file. Are both cards identified with the same identical GUID?  Or are they different?


There are two possible causes of this problem. The most likely is that as far as Windows can see, the two cards are completely indistinguishable. In that case the GUID will probably have been generated by Windows on the basis of which one it saw first. Which it sees first will depend on the USB socket used, so if this is the case you probably simply need to swap sockets.


The other possibility is that you are not using Joystick Lettering. With unique names or GUIDs the use of FSUIPC's lettering (in place of numbering) will ensure that no matter where you plug things in, FSUIPC can still match up the number to the device. This does depend on unique names or GUIDs, however.


Please do refer to the user guide for FSUIPC. There's a section on joystick lettering which should help.




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