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FSUIPC and Opus Weather

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Hi there,

have looked through the manual and not sure how to achieve this. Maybe a mouse script/macro?

Previously I had two buttons on my Logitech joystick mapped in Opus to update dynamic weather and change Opus camera.

I've had a few issues with P3Dv2 and controllers, so I'm now using FSUIPC exclusively and have 'disabled' controllers in P3Dv2.

I'm not sure how to re-map those functions for Opus since I don't know how to send commands to Opus, or whether Opus 'intercepts' commands to P3D.

The update weather commend, at least, is available from drop-down menus ... I don't think the change camera view is.

Anyone out there know how to proceed with this?


-- Jeff


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Hi there,

have looked through the manual and not sure how to achieve this. Maybe a mouse script/macro?

Previously I had two buttons on my Logitech joystick mapped in Opus to update dynamic weather and change Opus camera

How were they so "mapped"? If Opus is reading the buttons directly itself then other assignments in FSUIPC or FSX won't interfere or be relevant.

It may be a good idea to ask Opus support.

Not sure why or how mouse scripts or macros come into it. Mouse macros are ways of calling mouse functions in gauges. Opus doesn't use aircraft gauges for these functions, does it?


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Thanks Pete, perhaps I'll check in with Opus.

In Opus, you open the main window, then click the "Shortcuts" button and then you can assign a joystick button to some common functions.

I'm not sure how Opus reads the button press; whether it 'intercepts' P3D or reads directly. I'll ask them, but I suspect it intercepts because if I disable controllers in P3D the buttons don't work, and if I re-enable then they do, so some how they are related.


I wondered about a mouse macro since the update weather is available from an add-on menu directly in P3D, but on re-reading that section last night I understood it related to gauges and not general mouse ops. Never mind; though I have found something else I can use a mouse macro for, so that was handy!


If I find an answer from Opus, I'll post here.


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In Opus, you open the main window, then click the "Shortcuts" button and then you can assign a joystick button to some common functions.

I'm not sure how Opus reads the button press; whether it 'intercepts' P3D or reads directly. I'll ask them, but I suspect it intercepts because if I disable controllers in P3D the buttons don't work, and if I re-enable then they do, so some how they are related.


In that case it sounds like they use the SimConnect facilities to read the buttons, though I didn't know they were also disabled when you disable controllers in FS.

Do they offer keystrokes as an alternative? If so maybe you can assign to keystrokes? Though it depends how they capture those -- should be okay if they do it the same way, through SimConnect.


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I have had clarification from Stephen at Opus that they do indeed 'read' simconnect. With the joystick disabled, no simconnect event occurs and therefore does not get sent/see by Opus.

I will see whether I can assign a keystroke, then capture the joystick button with FSUIPC and send the keystroke instead.

If it works, I'll let you know.


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