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Hello, after I installed the sp1 b777.200 b777.300 PMDG and I am the problem as photos attached. I wrote to support PMDG this is their response:


"The dll.xml file you submitted looks perfectly fine but I see that you are running Windows 8 which is not a supported Operating system for any of the PMDG products currently.  The inability to load dll files in Windows 8 seems to be a growing issue withing Windows 8 and not something we can identify or correct.  Something in the core operating system is blocking the files from being loaded and until that can be corrected we continue to recommend Windows 7 X64 for all users.  There are a couple of threads on the support forums at Avsim discussing Windows 8 use that may offer some suggestions but beyond that are official position is that we do not support Windows 8 at this time."



I am attaching my file dll.xml and error. 

I have uninstalled all add-ons PMDG but the problem remains, how can you solve? 

Thank you



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Sorry, I cannot solve PMDG problems. I cannot even read the text in the thumbnail picture you posted. You'll need to actually tell me what it says, if you think it is anything to do with FSUIPC.


Why are you posting to this forum anyway?


BTW you say you've uninstalled all PMDG add-ons, yet you have all of their DLLs still listed and enabled in your DLL.XML file!



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