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Macro's disappearing

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Before i begin,  i would like to thank Pete for creating this awesome program.  I've been using it now for 3 years (paid version) and only recently realized how much of a benefit it is.  So thanks again !! So to the crux of my problem


I build a Overhead panel (only the actual switches for now, with no guages)  I was able to create a macro for every switch and get it to work for the Wilco 737 PIC.  A total of 128 or so macros in the Modules folder of FSX.  Now i tried to do the same by assigning macros to the PMDG 737 NGX.  I created a profile for it and started with the Yaw Damper switch.  I could initially only get it to function in one direction.  Then an odd thing happened.  I would create another macro using a better naming convention (still in the PDMG Profile) and i could see it appear in the Modules folder. Yet it didn't appear in the drop down menu for the switch i wanted, and then all the other similar named macros disappeared out of the drop down menu as well.  It would still be in the modules folder.  It would not be until i rebooted my computer that it would re-appear. 


Obviously im a newbie at the actual programming, but how am i suppose to program multiple 737's in this case, using profiles if the macros keep disappearing from the drop down folder?


in the log file it says  "3606 ERROR: To many macro files. Max is 127"  That really doesn't make much sense to have such a limiting amound of macros files.  Is there a work around for this?








16GB Ram


Windows 7

FSX Acceleration

I7-4790 3.6 GHZ

AMD Radeon R9 270X



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So after doing some research, i found out that FSUIPC doesn't support more then 127 mouse macros.  After more research i found out you have to program LUA's. From what im kinda understanding, is that this is a file in which you can add as many macros as you want for a specific aircraft.  After doing some more research, and lots of cussing, im still not entirely sure of how to even create this lua.  I seen lots of documentation but all of it reads like stereo instructions (yup showing my age here) even the PDF's with instructions, included with FSUIPC are beyond my comprehension. 


Can someone point me to a youtube video, or a lua generator or something akin to that, with which i can create these "lua's" so that i can create a macro or program my overhead panel switches for different aircraft (from Wilco 737 to PMDG 738 NGX)


Thanks ahead of time


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Can someone point me to a youtube video, or a lua generator or something akin to that, with which i can create these "lua's" so that i can create a macro or program my overhead panel switches for different aircraft (from Wilco 737 to PMDG 738 NGX)


Have you checked the User Contributions subforum? I'm sure there are lots of examples of just what you are talking about, and there may even be one there already for the popular PMDG 737NGX.



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