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Reverse Order has not worked

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Reverse Order has not worked for some time.

Sending F2 (113) with this statement.

1 = 0R, UR, 5800,11694,1071,113

Is there an option in fsuipc4.ini I will have changed by mistake :oops:


Thank you for your answers


Sorry, what do you mean by "reverse order"? Order of what?


Rather than show me the encoded line in the INI file, for which I would need to refer to complex code to work out, please tell me what you are actually assigning in the Assignments tabs, which is where you should be working (not in the INI).


BTW if by F2 you are trying to send FS the "throttle decr" control, which is what F2 is usually assigned to, why not assign direct to Throttle Decr directly instead? Maybe you have changed the F2 assignment in FS, or some other addon might be using that keypress for something else. It is ALWAYS best both for that reason and for efficiency to assign to the control directly.



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