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sim-avionics / battery life / nav radios

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Hello Pete,


I've been a happy user of FSUIPC for many years, thanks for this powerful interface!


I now use P3D witj Sim-Avionics software for my 737 cockpit. But strange things happen with nav radios: they fail to work randomly while in flight, just like if any tuned frequency was unknown. No more ILS, VOR, DME, etc. But COM radios still work (I can continue to speak on IVAO and to tune needed frequencies there).


Support at Sim-A said it could be a problem with battery life management in FSUIPC, so they told me to check and set battery life to "0" - which means "infinite", exact? But the issue is still there, I'm always losing nav radios after a few time of flight... 


Do you think it can be linked to battery life management in FSUIPC, or to any other setting in your application?


I don't know where to investigate to sort this issue, so any tip / clue / solution / advice is welcome!


Best regards,



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I now use P3D witj Sim-Avionics software for my 737 cockpit. But strange things happen with nav radios: they fail to work randomly while in flight, just like if any tuned frequency was unknown. No more ILS, VOR, DME, etc. But COM radios still work (I can continue to speak on IVAO and to tune needed frequencies there).


Support at Sim-A said it could be a problem with battery life management in FSUIPC, so they told me to check and set battery life to "0" - which means "infinite", exact? But the issue is still there, I'm always losing nav radios after a few time of flight... 


Do you think it can be linked to battery life management in FSUIPC, or to any other setting in your application?


No. Battery life isn't relevant in flight in any case -- you have generators. You aren't flying an electric aircraft, are you? And if there was no electric power you'd have no instrumentation anyway. Why would the COM radios survive?


FSUIPC doesn't operate radios itself. It has offsets which can be used by application to directly set and read the frequencies, of course, and it can pass on radio commands just like when they are assigned in FS directly. But it has no manipulations of anything itself.


Ask Sim-Avionics support more about what they do. They surely must be able to help if their software is managing the radios. However, most such packages leave radios to the normal FS facilities, as in general there is nothing wrong with them and no reason for even sophisticated cockpit software to interfere -- unless they want to simulate faults of course.


 I use Project Magenta and also Prosim737 and in both cases the radios are normal FS radios, interfaced to my hardware through FSUIPC using normal FS controls. They'd be the same without either package.



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Thanks Pete ! 


So, as I understand now, it's more likely an issue about P3D itself - or maybe IVAO/P3D compatibility.


I'll continue my investigations. Sim-Avionics support told me to check with you about "battery life" because they had no other idea to help me. Now you closed that door, so I'll contact P3D support. Step by step... ;)


Have a nice day,



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