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fsuipc 4.937 and p3d v2.4 read write issues

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First of all i would like to say thank you for the great programs ! I'm using paid versions of fsuipc and wide fs to run my simulator.

Fsuipc version 4.937

Widefs version 6.995

P3d v2.4

The issues I'm having are the following.

In p3d if I change 2d to virtual cockpit for some reason either fsuipc or p3d deletes my keys and button settings . I then have to reassign one (doesn't matter witch) and they all work again . until I changes views and they are gone again .

The other issue is the writing of offsets . In previous v2.2 and fsx versions I could assign engine fire flags and ice detection offset to illuminate engine fire lights and ice detector lights. If I do that now either in p3d or via the instructor station software by using engine fire or setting icing in clouds it generates an engine fire or icing( can see the smoke etc) but it does not want to activate my offsets for some reason ....

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In p3d if I change 2d to virtual cockpit for some reason either fsuipc or p3d deletes my keys and button settings . I then have to reassign one (doesn't matter witch) and they all work again . until I changes views and they are gone again .


FSUIPC knows nothing about what mode your cockpit is in, and never writes changes to the INI file, which is where all its settings are, unless you go into its options and OK back out, so there is no way possible for it to delete key and button settings. You have something else going on. Are you sure it isn't the apparently very prevalent Windows 8 problems of losing joysticks? I expect simply going into the options and okaying out without attempting any changes would recover them as well as this makes FSUIPC rescan the devices.


The other issue is the writing of offsets . In previous v2.2 and fsx versions I could assign engine fire flags and ice detection offset to illuminate engine fire lights and ice detector lights. If I do that now either in p3d or via the instructor station software by using engine fire or setting icing in clouds it generates an engine fire or icing( can see the smoke etc) but it does not want to activate my offsets for some reason ....


There's no changes in FSUIPC for these. They's been the same since about FS2000 I think. You need to report these problems to Lockheed-Marting.



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Additional information, if you are reporting the problems to Lockheed Martin:


1. Engine on fire detection (reading 3366) and starting/stopping (writing 3366) is done using SimConnect's SIMVAR's "ENG ON FIRE:n" where n is the Engine number. These values have always been readable and writable in FSX, and I'm reasonably sure P3D. Maybe L-M messed that up in v2.4?


2. I don't know how you are trying to detect or set icing, so I can't provide any more information on that.



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Thank you , I'll reinstall p3d v2.4 ISO upgrading maybe something went wrong there ..... The ice detector issue has been resolved (I use the ice in clouds offsets) but I'm pretty sure the amount of airframe ice offset (new I guess) will work as well

Best regards Remco

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IM not using windows 8 on my p3d computer, w7 is what i use there, w8 is on my sioc computer, maybe its a combination of stuff although it worked fine in this configuration with fsx and v2.2



Must be something gone wrong in P3D2.4 then, f it was okay in 2.2. did you miss 2.3?.


The P3D Lockheed Martin forum is the place to report P3D bugs.



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