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FSUIPC Fuel Levers PMDG 737

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Hello Pete,


Wich you very good 2015 and family and hoppe you ok :)


I have all my FSX aircrafts configurated with fsuipc and everthing ok, yoke, pedals and 2 Quadrant throttles all from saitek.


With my pmdg 737 everthing is well configurated under fsuipc but no look with Fuel Levers I have try diferent list options under fsuipc Axis configuration, left field and right field but no


way to find under the list apropriate parameter to use my Axis to open and close the Fuel Levers. Is posibel to you tell me wich one i have to select to pmdg 737 ?



Luis Serpa



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With my pmdg 737 everthing is well configurated under fsuipc but no look with Fuel Levers I have try diferent list options under fsuipc Axis configuration, left field and right field but no


way to find under the list apropriate parameter to use my Axis to open and close the Fuel Levers. Is posibel to you tell me wich one i have to select to pmdg 737 ?


By "fuel levers" do you mean the idle/cutoff start levers? Or the fuel pump switches.


If the former, then aren't they controlled by the MixtureN lean and MixcxtureN rich controls 9N=engine number), as in most aircraft? Have you tried?


Otherwise, you should know that PMDG implement their own controls. Have you looked in the 737NGX SDK? There's a list of "custom controls" at the end of the PMDG.h file.



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By "fuel levers" do you mean the idle/cutoff start levers? YES


Have you looked in the 737NGX SDK? There's a list of "custom controls" at the end of the PMDG.h file. Where i can find this ?


Strange only this two idle/cutoff start levers no way to ghett im work with asigned Axis all the rest are working perfect under fsuipc.


If the former, then aren't they controlled by the MixtureN lean and MixcxtureN rich controls 9N=engine number), as in most aircraft? Have you tried?


Yes with ctrl+shift+ F4 rich to 2 engine and ctrl+shift+F1 lean engine 1


thanks for the help


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