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Oh dear. You first added this to another, presumably irrelevant thread, which is where I first saw it and answeredit, and now your own thread. Please do behave sensibly.


Here is my reply from the other thread:


SimMarket provide sales support for registered customers by them raising a problem ticket. It is not at all "terrible", it is just a different method.


If you want technical support with a product you ask via the appropriate support forum for the product. SimMarket do not provide technical support, you need to go to the correct place!



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Apologies for the double post but the delay of the posting (forum rules) threw me off.

My problem with simMarket "ticketing" support is not "technical", it was with the key registration not working after I reinstalled windows!

The "terrible", I refer to, is not their technical abilities or even their sales efforts, it is the attitude of one of their support personnel.

I wanted to copy you the messages that we exchanged through the "ticketing" system they use and show you the attitude they use with their clients, and I was seeking your help sorting out the key issue.

It seems you all assume that we are experts at these forums and the way you are all handling questions and technical support! Excuse me but I am new at this!

Anyway, thank you for responding to my messages. I cannot copy the messages here, it would be improper of me!

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My problem with simMarket "ticketing" support is not "technical", it was with the key registration not working after I reinstalled windows!


That is a techincal problem as I deal with FSUIPC registration problems.


Every single time anyone has been unable to register it has been because of either of these two reasons:


1. They are making mistake. ALL THREE PARTS must be absolutely identical to those as originally issued. This is not variable. it does not change just because you reinstall Windows. I'm frequently amazed at how many ways folks want to spell their names, for instance. Additionally you do NOT use a new changed email address, you use the one you purchased it for. No other.


2. They try to use a key purchased for FSUIPC3 with FSUIPC4, or vice versa. They are different products with different keys. Same for WideFS6 and WideFS7.


The registration system for FSUIPC and WideFS has not changed in the 11 years it has been operating. In fact it was made more flexible some years back by allowing different email addresses for FSUIPC and WideFS registrations.


If you are really convinced you are doing things correctly, send me the details -- order number and what you are entering, to petedowson@btconnect.com. But thoroughly check what you are doing first. There have been no exceptions to the above in all this time, so I'm very sure of my ground here.



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