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Mr. Pete Dowson - Need to contact you.

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If it is to agree a license for commercial use of FSUIPC, then simply write stating the name and purpose of your application and suggested financial arrangements. If it is that you wish to become a reseller of FSUIPC and WideFS to end users, then I'm afraid that is out of the question as SimMarket have exclusivity, outside one small supplier in Japan. For commercial use write to petedowson@btconnect.com.



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The application which will use your tool is a part of USB simulation hardware ( like FMS, MCP ..etc ) ..
It will use offsets to interface these hardware with aircraft models like PMDG, PSS .. 

As you are the author of the tool I would like to discuss that with you .. so I will send you an E-mail on the address which you mentioned above ..

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The application which will use your tool is a part of USB simulation hardware ( like FMS, MCP ..etc ) ..

It will use offsets to interface these hardware with aircraft models like PMDG, PSS .. 

As you are the author of the tool I would like to discuss that with you .. so I will send you an E-mail on the address which you mentioned above ..


Okay. I am away with limited Internet access till Monday now, so apologies for any delays in my response.



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