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Flightlink USB

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recently acquired a Flightlink TR-1 radio stack with EPIC Card and USB connection.  .  Windows 8.1 64 bit.  Computer recognizes installation. Also have Flight link Control Center FCC file is used to link with FSX.


I would like to know if this device can be used with X-plane.  I have assurances from flightlink that it will work with x-plane 9 but no luck as of yet with x-plane 10. 


Are there any commonalities in the FSX and X-Plane programs that allow a radio unit like this to function ?  Can FSUIPC be of help with this project ?  Or should I just consider selling the hardware as a relic of past years and proceed on to Saitek and CH products ?  Not a programmer and I do not find any all inclusive textbook for understanding the programming language (C++) and application to software/hardware interfaces and functionality between the various subfolders in a FS program.  The key board emulators were easy to program.  This device may be out of my league

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I remember FlightLink stuff which I used and programmed many years ago, with FS4 and FS5 (on DOS originally). I did make a Windows version (EPIClink), but development on that stopped long ago. At that time EPIC was a serial (COM port) card. I don't know whether the USB connection is just a serial port emulator (i.e. looks like a COM port with a suitable hardware driver) or a true USB device. If the former you might get it working with FS using my software, but probably only on Windows XP or before, not Vista, Win7 or Win8. And I'm afraid you'd be on your own as I have long forgotten all about such stuff.


As for X-Plane, I'm afraid I know nothing about that. You'll probably need to ask in the X-Plane forums. You could also try http://www.mycockpit.org/forums as a lot of hardware experts frequent the places there.



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thanks wish I had inquired before getting this device.  It appears the support died out and the new owner is not able to forge ahead with the stiff competition from other vendors.  Amazing how the hardware and software has developed.  The My Cockpit is a great reference.  If you had to choose a FS platform for the 64 bit Win 7/8 would you prefer Prepar3D or FSX or FSX steam for ease of use with plug ins as well as reliability and fucntionality

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If you had to choose a FS platform for the 64 bit Win 7/8 would you prefer Prepar3D or FSX or FSX steam for ease of use with plug ins as well as reliability and fucntionality


I have 4 simulation setups all maintained with the add-ons I like. These are FSX, FSX-SE, P3D 1.4 and P3D 2.5. Currently I only use FSX-SE as for me it looks the best, performs by far the best, and has the greatest compatibility with all the things I like.


A lot of folks have moved over to P3D v2 because of the allegedly improved graphics. Certainly autogen coming up slowly rather than popping up is an impovement, but many of the visual improvements are wasted on me -- things like cockpit shadows, ground shadows, water reflections. If you fly VFR I expect you'd notice these things, but for airliner flying in a hardware cockpit I don't. And I don't get anywhere near the performance and smoothness in P3D that I get in FSX-SE.



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