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Having a problem getting it work. Worked fine in FSX Boxed Edition. In Steam Edition, I cannot get gauges to work. Only get black holes. Ran the Simconnects in Steam SDK Folder but no luck. In the Fleethere\Citationx folder there is a file called citationx text file and here is what it contains:

Simconnect is broken
FlightLoaded hr = 80004005
FlightSaved hr = 80004005
Paused hr = 80004005
Sim hr = 80004005
Sound hr = 80004005
SimConnect_CallDispatch hr = 80004005

Thanks; apoincon


'Steam' is showing that it isn't complying to the SDK that was used during development of the CX, oh, in 2006 & 2007 (if memory serves as it was nine or so years ago).


The CX is a Wilco Publishing product you need to contact them about the issue.


I wonder where I would be able to find the history of my purchase of Cessna Citation X (feelthere version).  I actually just need to reinstall my product for a repair purpose.  Any help would be appreciated.


Donald Baker.

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