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Hi Pete, I'm long time FSUIPC fan and virtually all my buttons/switches are via FSUIPC. Yesterday a strange thing happened. The switch I use for APmaster suddenly refused to respond. I tried re-assigning but no dice. I had to revert to FSX controls (Z). FSUIPC did play nicely with another switch on another controller. At the same time I got the 'Simconnect error has been detected blah blah' message. Are they connected? Should I reinstall FSUIPC? 

'Scratches head' :???: 

  On 3/15/2015 at 7:14 PM, Ron Attwood said:

Hi Pete, I'm long time FSUIPC fan and virtually all my buttons/switches are via FSUIPC. Yesterday a strange thing happened. The switch I use for APmaster suddenly refused to respond. I tried re-assigning but no dice. I had to revert to FSX controls (Z). FSUIPC did play nicely with another switch on another controller. At the same time I got the 'Simconnect error has been detected blah blah' message. Are they connected? Should I reinstall FSUIPC? 


What is the "Simconnect error has been detected ..." message? Sorry, that's a new one on me. Can you be more explicit?


How about showing me the contents of the FSUIPC4 log file? You'll find it in the FSX modules folder.


Don't reinstall FSUIPC unless you are using an old version. Current is 4.939e.



Posted (edited)

The full message in FSX which runs across the top of the screen in a green ribbon is:

"Microsoft Flight Simulator X SimConnect Error has been detected, restarting connection"

I've used FSX since reassigning so I guess the log wont pertain to the problem eh? But here it is


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.938f by Pete Dowson *********
Reading options from "C:\FlightSimulatorX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
Module base=65320000
User Name="R.W. Attwood"
User Addr="rondotattwoodatfinnglishdotcodotuk"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
      624 System time = 15/03/2015 16:14:32
      624 FLT path = "C:\Users\Ron\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"
      655 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...
      671 FS path = "C:\FlightSimulatorX\"
     1497 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
     1497 SIM1 Frictions access gained
     1497 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
     1497 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok
     1497 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
     1497 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07
     3229 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)
     3229 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     3229 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     3276 C:\Users\Ron\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\172.FLT
     3276 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR
    33228 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Beech_Baron_B55 Milviz\b55_7.AIR
    89466 System time = 15/03/2015 16:16:01, Simulator time = 08:14:34 (16:14Z)
    89544 Aircraft="Milviz Baron 55_ARMY"
   187373 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 22 secs = 12.0 fps
   204111 Starting everything now ...
   206139 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
   215421 Weather Mode now = Custom
   215749 Weather Mode now = Theme
   215749 Weather Mode now = Custom
  1187261 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 984 secs = 14.6 fps
  1336226 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 104 secs = 11.7 fps
  1883041 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 539 secs = 15.6 fps
  1888532 Weather Mode now = Theme
  1888532 C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Previous flight.FLT
  1917190 System time = 15/03/2015 16:46:28, Simulator time = 08:41:52 (16:41Z)
  1917190 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Average frame rate for running time of 1661 secs = 14.7 fps
G3D fix: Passes 32248, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0
Memory managed: 1361 Allocs, 1361 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

In the meantime, I'll set up FSUIPC as it was and see if I can get a relevant log




Just noticed I'm one update short. I'll try that first. :)

Edited by Ron Attwood

I put everything back to FSUIPC control and the AP still not working. Oddly enough the button on the panel works when I use the switch, but it doesn't turn on the AP. I'm starting to think this may be an A2A related issue, as things work properly in other aircraft. I hate FSX sometimes! :razz:


For what it's worth, here's the latest log:


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.939e by Pete Dowson *********
Reading options from "C:\FlightSimulatorX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
Module base=67B80000
User Name="R.W. Attwood"
User Addr="................"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
      218 System time = 15/03/2015 22:12:00
      218 FLT path = "C:\Users\Ron\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"
      249 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...
      265 FS path = "C:\FlightSimulatorX\"
      702 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      702 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      702 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      702 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      702 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      702 --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
      702 --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok
      702 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      702 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07
     2636 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)
     2636 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     2636 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     2683 C:\Users\Ron\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\172.FLT
     2683 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR
    17893 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\A2A_C182\C182.AIR
    53149 Aircraft="C182 G-BDIG"
    53165 System time = 15/03/2015 22:12:53, Simulator time = 14:12:02 (22:12Z)
   182396 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 23 secs = 12.9 fps
   195687 Starting everything now ...
   197512 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
   205640 Weather Mode now = Custom
   205858 Weather Mode now = Theme
   205858 Weather Mode now = Custom
   362296 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 168 secs = 19.6 fps
   662317 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 138 secs = 15.4 fps
   855213 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 36 secs = 14.3 fps
   868520 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado C340\C340A.AIR
   936864 Aircraft="C340 II BEIGE"
  1049528 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 109 secs = 15.0 fps
  1065174 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado Centurion T210\Carenado_T210.AIR
  1065596 Aircraft="T210 CENTURION BLUE CLASSIC"
  1161333 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 92 secs = 15.7 fps
  1182877 C:\FlightSimulatorX\SimObjects\Airplanes\A2A_Piper_PA28_180_Cherokee\PA28_180.AIR
  1183408 Aircraft="Piper Pa-28-180 Cherokee 4"
  1359221 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 171 secs = 12.5 fps
  1365898 System time = 15/03/2015 22:34:45, Simulator time = 14:24:06 (22:24Z)
  1365898 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Minimum frame rate was 10.2 fps, Maximum was 20.0 fps
Minimum available memory recorded was 673Mb
Average frame rate for running time of 741 secs = 15.5 fps
G3D fix: Passes 24507, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0
Memory managed: 602 Allocs, 602 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********


That simconnect error message is one generated by the A2A Accu-Sim code when it detects a problem like an abnormally slow update (were your frame rates OK at the time?) or it can be caused simoly by starting then restarting or reloading an Acci-Sim aircraft 'too many times' without re-starting FSX.


I used to have this message pop up if I reloaded an Accu-Sim aircraft for the 3rd time without re-start on my old XP Pro syatem. With Win7, the number of times I could re-load before that message occured was about 8.


I rarely re-load an Accu-Sim aircraft more than once or twice since I know that the error message WILL appear if I re-load too many times.


I have never had it mess up my FSUIPC4 assignments though.  As a note, I use the  "AutoAssignLetters=Yes" option in the JoyNames section to prevent spurious events causing Windows to re-number my controllers.



Posted (edited)

Hello again Paul. :D  As it happens I had swapped from a Realair Duke to an  A2A182 during an online session. Could be something in that. Frame rates I never look at, is it smooth? That's my frame rate counter. ;)


EDIT: Yes it was smooth.

Edited by Ron Attwood
  On 3/15/2015 at 10:05 PM, Ron Attwood said:

The full message in FSX which runs across the top of the screen in a green ribbon is:

"Microsoft Flight Simulator X SimConnect Error has been detected, restarting connection"


Hmm. I don't think that's an FSX message, it'll be one of your other Simconnect client programs.



  On 3/15/2015 at 10:44 PM, Ron Attwood said:

I put everything back to FSUIPC control and the AP still not working. Oddly enough the button on the panel works when I use the switch, but it doesn't turn on the AP. I'm starting to think this may be an A2A related issue, as things work properly in other aircraft. I hate FSX sometimes! :razz:


For what it's worth, here's the latest log:


There's nothing wrong there, either. If you want to check that FSUIPC is doing what you ask, simply enable Button/Key logging and it will make entries in the log revealing the button pressed and the action taken.



  On 3/15/2015 at 11:57 PM, Gypsy Baron said:

That simconnect error message is one generated by the A2A Accu-Sim code when it detects a problem like an abnormally slow update (were your frame rates OK at the time?) or it can be caused simoly by starting then restarting or reloading an Acci-Sim aircraft 'too many times' without re-starting FSX.


Ah, thanks for the clarification Paul.




Should anyone be interested I've nailed the problem.

Someone suggested to me to go and look at the A2A172/182 configuration thingy. Now I swear I did not assign the AP master in the configurator, certainly not between sessions, but there it was! When I deleted those assignments everything went back to normal. Go figure.  :? I think what was happening was FSUIPC was trying to obey orders which were being countermanded by A2A. Made for an interesting few days though

Sorry I cast nasturtiums on FSUIPC Pete. It wont happen again.  :) 


Can I jump in here? I installed FSX SE and the latest FSUIPC. Started assigning tasks to my X55 throttle (oddly enough with the A2A P-51), and tried to assign the right throttle to "mixture" in FSUIPC. I set up the joystick assignment and when I went to the calibration, the mixture boxes (with the numbers) were jumping around, and did not move with the right throttle. Even when I unassign it, it's still jumping around. Everything else seems to work BUT the mixture, which can't be set at all. Could that be a part of the A2A configuration?

  On 3/19/2015 at 1:40 PM, gpbarth said:

Can I jump in here? I installed FSX SE and the latest FSUIPC. Started assigning tasks to my X55 throttle (oddly enough with the A2A P-51), and tried to assign the right throttle to "mixture" in FSUIPC. I set up the joystick assignment and when I went to the calibration, the mixture boxes (with the numbers) were jumping around, and did not move with the right throttle. Even when I unassign it, it's still jumping around. Everything else seems to work BUT the mixture, which can't be set at all. Could that be a part of the A2A configuration?


Try setting up with a default aircraft. If there's still a problem it is more likely to be conflicts with assignments elsewhere -- possibly FS.  Check that you've disabled controllers in FS before trying to assign in FSUIPC.



  On 3/19/2015 at 3:09 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Try setting up with a default aircraft. If there's still a problem it is more likely to be conflicts with assignments elsewhere -- possibly FS.  Check that you've disabled controllers in FS before trying to assign in FSUIPC.



Pete, loaded up a default Cessna 172, and I've checked with every possible assignment in FSX (throttle, stick and pedals) and nothing is assigned to the mixture. Still have the problem in FSUIPC. I can assign the right throttle in Axis Assignment, and send it to FSUIPC, then go to the Joystick Calibration. In page #2, Prop, mixture and brakes, the In and Out boxes continuously fluctuate, and nothing moves when I move the control. Every other control seems to work okay (so far?) I've enclosed two screen shots of the FSUIPC panel showing the Mixture section with and without the SET.  The +/- figures on the right do not change when moving the control





Still baffling me. Could deleting the FSUIPC.ini file and letting the app replace it (maybe) fix it?


UPDATE: Well, it looks like my particular culprit was the Madcatz X55 Profiler.  I had read somewhere about not installing it, but did anyway.  After trying everything else, I took it out of the start-up menu (it can't be closed from its window once started), and rebooted. Went to the default Cessna and opened FSUIPC to set the mixture using the rotary wheel on top of the throttlle, and everything worked just fine.  I'll be watching the A2A stuff (I have the Cub, P-51, Cessna 172, and B377) once I get going again, but must warn others - do NOT use the X55 profiler to program your controls if you are using FSUIPC!


Well, it's back. I give up. I checked the A2A config and nothing was set up on the controls there. And it seems like only the Mixture set-up is being affected.  Everything else works so far. Do I un-install/re-install my X55 drivers? Do I delete the fsuipc.ini? Do I un-install/re-install FSUIPC?  I'm going to do a re-boot here and see what happens, but it did seem strange that after I stopped the Madcatz profiler from loading during boot-up, the problem seemed to go away. Maybe I have to un-install the profiler permanently.


Any other ideas?

  On 3/20/2015 at 2:24 AM, gpbarth said:

Well, it's back. I give up. I checked the A2A config and nothing was set up on the controls there. And it seems like only the Mixture set-up is being affected.  Everything else works so far. Do I un-install/re-install my X55 drivers? Do I delete the fsuipc.ini? Do I un-install/re-install FSUIPC?  I'm going to do a re-boot here and see what happens, but it did seem strange that after I stopped the Madcatz profiler from loading during boot-up, the problem seemed to go away. Maybe I have to un-install the profiler permanently.


Any other ideas?


Uninstalling / reinstalling FSUIPC never makes any difference as you are only replacing the DLL with the same DLL. The only thing making a difference for FSUIPC would be deleting the INI file, so removing all your settings. You could try just renaming it so a new default is made, then test the mixture axis. You don't lose anything as you can always rename the original back after the test.


But on the whole, I would think it was drivers of one sort or another. Just not running their "front-end" programs may not stop them doing their own thing. You might need to uninstall them entirely.




I know I'm getting old. So my powers of deduction are a bit weak at this point. But I have done more testing, and it now seems that A2A IS the culprit.  I have uninstalled the Madcatz X-55 profiler, just in case (never used it except to check the operation of the controls). I renamed my fsx.ini file and went through the process of "re-doing" FSX, and then opened up the default Cessna again: everything worked fine. Since I had set up the mixture previously in FSUIPC, all was cool and smooth.


I then loaded the A2A Cessna, and the mixture problem was back. Closed down FSX and re-launched it, and opened the defaullt Cessna again, and the problem was gone. Opened the A2A, problem was back. I have a post up on the A2A forums right now - seems like someone had a mixture problem awhile back that was reportedly fixed, so they might have some idea of what's happening. I will report back when I find out more.


I have all the A2A aircraft set up through FSUIPC4 with no issues at all. My mixture is assigned to one axis on mt Saitek dual throttle quadrants.


I do NOT use the Saitek 'profiler' software> I don't think I even loaded a driver for the Pro stuff. FAUIPC4 sees all my buttons, switches and axis.


There may be some obscure issue with the profiler software and the A2A configurator utility. I don't use the configurator often. Only in a few cases, as I prefer to make my assignments exclusively via FSUIPC4.



  On 3/20/2015 at 8:02 PM, Gypsy Baron said:

I have all the A2A aircraft set up through FSUIPC4 with no issues at all. My mixture is assigned to one axis on mt Saitek dual throttle quadrants.


I do NOT use the Saitek 'profiler' software> I don't think I even loaded a driver for the Pro stuff. FAUIPC4 sees all my buttons, switches and axis.


There may be some obscure issue with the profiler software and the A2A configurator utility. I don't use the configurator often. Only in a few cases, as I prefer to make my assignments exclusively via FSUIPC4.



I've been using FSUIPC for a long time, since before my old Saitek X-52 system, with no problems, even with the A2A line. I had my P-51's set up with it.  But since I have un-installed FSX and re-installed FSX SE, I have had nothing but problems. Seems like everyone is offering updates that work with SE now.  I re-installed all of my A2A line - the Cub, C-172, P-51's and B377, without having much of a problem, until I started re-assigning all of my controls to my new X-55 controller. First I tried setting the left throttle for throttle and the right throttle for mixture (through FSUIPC)...that started the problem. I had removed most of the controls from the FSX control list to avoid conflicts, but it seemed to make the problem worse.


I THINK I may have fixed the problem with the mixture - first, I renamed fsx.ini and had FSX create a new one. I went on the A2A forums, where I was told that FSUIPC could cause problems and to use the FSX control settings only, as all A2A aircraft were set up that way.  Then I went and renamed the fsuipc,ini file and let FSUIPC create a new one.  I can now set up the A2A Cessna 172, using the FSX control app, to use the left throttle as throttle, and the Z rotation knob on top of the right throttle as mixture.  Everything seems to be working, and I went into FSUIPC and checked the Z axis to make sure it was seen, and then went into the Joystick cal to double-check that those numbers in the mixture box were not jumping all over the place - they were rock-solid.


I don't know if I want to mess with FSUIPC right now with the A2A group, but everything seems to be working again, and my hair is just a little bit more gray as a result.  One thing about flight simming, and especially with FSX - you never stop tweaking and fixing. I think I spend more time setting the sim up than I actually do flying! :neutral:

  On 3/20/2015 at 10:36 PM, gpbarth said:

I I had removed most of the controls from the FSX control list to avoid conflicts, but it seemed to make the problem worse.


Hmm. Sounds like clarification is badly needed here!


Never have controllers enabled at all in FS if you intend assigning axes in FSUIPC, otherwise it is always a major source of conflicts! Just trying to de-assign them in FS is no good. FS will often reassign them automatically. The only safe way is to disable the controllers in FS altogether, -- and even check now and then that they stay that way (which they should, ... but!).


However, if you aren't using FSUIPC to assign controllers differently according to aircraft type or profile there's not necessarily all that much advantage in assigning in FSUIPC in the first place. I'm not sure why so many do so "as a rule" rather than out of some purpose, like automatic selection of correct control configuration. It doesn't matter whether you assign in FS or in FSUIPC, you can still calibrate in FSUIPC if you want to -- and that was the original function of those user facilities in FSUIPC, not for axis assignment!




I hadn't thought about removing the controllers completely from FSX, mainly because I was warned that the PMDG aircraft especially had problems with things like the throttles, which didn't work too well through FSUIPC. If that is not the case, then I'd just as soon wipe the controllers from FSX and use FSUIPC exclusively.  Anyone out there with PMDG experience who can let me know true or false on this?


I DO use FSUIPC to set up individual profiles according to aircraft types.  That's what I liked, as in FSX, what you have set up is universal and has to be changed when a new aircraft has different configurations. Always learning, ain't I?

  On 3/21/2015 at 2:59 AM, gpbarth said:

I hadn't thought about removing the controllers completely from FSX, mainly because I was warned that the PMDG aircraft especially had problems with things like the throttles, which didn't work too well through FSUIPC


I think the only problem with some of the PMDG axes is if you assign "direct to FSUIPC calibration", because that bypasses the part of the aircraft code which wants to read the values. If you assign to the regular FS controls (axis throttleN set for each engine N) then the PMDG add-on cannot tell the difference between FSUIPC assignment and FSX assignment.


They may also not like some axes being calibrated in FSUIPC, because this results in a lower level feed into FS of the post-calibration value. this may differ from the value the aircraft code picked up earlier. so causing conflict and/or weird behaviour.




Thanks, Pete. I'm going over to the PMDG group and get clarification on that. My preference is to use FSUIPC for everything, so if I can make the 737 and 777 work well with it, the FSX controller settings are history!  I do like being able to set values for every aircraft.  Hope this will take care of the problems - I was unaware that use of FSUIPC was an "either/or" situation...I do now.




   Yesterday I suddenly lost all axis controls aileron, elevator, throttle, rudder, toe brakes. I tried to reassign them but no luck. So next I renamed the config file and tried again with no luck. In the axis tab the axis is being correctly identified and the correct number values corresponding to the movement are displayed, but the control surfaces on the plane no longer move. I reprogrammed buttons on the button tab and they work. Also, If I enable controls in FSX -> Settings -> Configuration, the control surfaces move. 


Can anyone tell me what may have happened to cause the symptoms described or more importantly how to get them back working again?



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