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The new Simcon Approach System Edition 03/2015 - v 1.5.5

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SIMCON is your Cockpit.                             S_Size_1.jpg 

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Simcon new Edition version 1.5.5 ( March  2015)


Simcon is using Simconnect + FSUIPC.
FSX Accel. Deluxe or Gold Edition + FSUIPC (not registered).
NETWORK - use Simconnect (*.msi) + FSuipc-WideFS.
ATIasHld using FSUIPC only.


Both systems are not using any Frequency only real world Mathe Formulas by Ed Williams


The new Automatic Approach System Edition 2015 is including the ATIasHld Program.
3 advanced Radar-Systems with several features.
Graphic Approach View

Simcon has been tested with Win XP, 7, 8++ on 32 + 64Bit Machines / Network.

Joystick and Mouseclick Interface.

Fuel Panel, separate Approach Panel.
New Help System.
The new Simcon Pilot Interface. Help System, FSX commands, Mouse-Clicks.


Simcon is including the ATIasHold Approach + Radar System using only FSUipc.


With all CockpitStatus programs you create a Virtual Runway at any World Position at Ground level.

With one Click create a Virtual Rwy On Air, Ground, Sea, Carrier and return to.


Simcon is creating a virtual Wpt at 20nm aligned with any Rwy. " You never get lost ".


GERMANY_.GIF   Introduction



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