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SDK: NWI Documentation

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The SDK appears to contain two versions of the SDK documentation: "New Weather Interface for FS2004.zip", and an older version from August called "FSUIPC NWI.zip". Was this intentional?

No, it was a mistake. I hadn't realised that I'd put the original in, earlier. Sorry. I've deleted the older one here. Hopefully folks will see the new one first in any case because of its bigger title, and it is also the one referenced in the "read me".



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While I'm on the subject of the SDK, in case there are any other developers like me who get unduly concerned about 'what's new' from one release to the next, these are the changes in the C version, the result of several 'FC' commands!:

FSUIPC_User.h: #define SIM_FS2K4 7 added.

FSUIPC_User.lib: unchanged


pFS[] extended to include FS2004, and pFS>=6 becomes pFS>=7 accordingly. A section added in the middle to demonstrate writing an accredited FSUIPC key at startup. Resource files now included too.

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