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As I am discovering the use of Arduino boards, I would like to show the tail number of my Aircraft on a LCD display, connected to the Arduino board.


The offset I need should be 0x313C. Using Link2FS to communicate with FSX/FSUIPC and Arduino, I get this value : 60710508774988 ... And I don't know how to handle this value to display a string ...


I googled this for a long time and ... Still no idea ...


May someone help me ?




The offset I need should be 0x313C. Using Link2FS to communicate with FSX/FSUIPC and Arduino, I get this value : 60710508774988 ... And I don't know how to handle this value to display a string ...


The value IS a string already, up to 12 characters, in ASCII, one character per byte, and it is meaningless to convert the first few bytes to a decimal number as you have done for some reason!


It might not even be just a number in character form. Flight numbers can have airline codes, like "BAW1455".




Ok Pete, Thank you for your quick reply.


Unfortunately, Link2FS does not provide "String" type from FSUIPC. I have to find another way. Linda, maybe.


Happy Easter !  :razz: 


Unfortunately, Link2FS does not provide "String" type from FSUIPC. I have to find another way. Linda, maybe.


You could have a small Lua file, run as part of an [Auto] section in the INI, to read the string, extract the number (presumably discarding the alpha characters?) converting it to binary, and placing the result in a user offset (in the range 66C0-66FF). You'd use the "event.offset" function to keep things updated automatically.


Not handling strings seems to be a rather big deficiency in Link2FS. There is quite a lot of information in such a form, like the DME readouts for VOR/ILS beacons.




Trying to play with tail numbers, I tried this :


Read each offset from 313c to 3148 (those affected to ATC id) ...


For this aircraft tail number (FSX cessna default) N760PL :

I get these values :

313c - 78 - N
313d - 55 - 7
313e - 54 - 6
313f - 48 - 0
3141 - 76 - P
3142 - 48 - 0

So, no matter the tail number : Offset 3142 is always 0 (zero) as a terminator ...


I'm using FSUIPC  4.937 registered.

Edit : Same behavior with 4.939.


Trying to play with tail numbers, I tried this :


Read each offset from 313c to 3148 (those affected to ATC id) ...


For this aircraft tail number (FSX cessna default) N760PL :

I get these values :

313c - 78 - N

313d - 55 - 7

313e - 54 - 6

313f - 48 - 0

3141 - 76 - P

3142 - 48 - 0

So, no matter the tail number : Offset 3142 is always 0 (zero) as a terminator ...


I'm using FSUIPC  4.937 registered.

Edit : Same behavior with 4.939.


Yes, despite FSUIPC allowing for more characters (12), and SimConnect SDK documentation stating it is up to 10 characters, I think SimConnect limits it to 6 including zero terminator. Sorry, I don't know why, but FSUIPC4 is presenting you with all it receives.


Here's the SDK definition of the variables FSUIPC is reading:

Offset 3160  ATC TYPE           Type used by ATC           String (30)
Offset 3500  ATC MODEL          Model used by ATC          String (10)
Offset 313C  ATC ID             ID used by ATC             String (10)
Offset 3148  ATC AIRLINE        Airline used by ATC        String (50)
Offset 3130  ATC FLIGHT NUMBER  Flight Number used by ATC  String (6)

Because FSUIPC is using the original offsets from FS9 and before, its lengths are different -- 24, 24, 12, 24, 12 respectively, so in the cases of ATC TYPE and ATC AIRLINE it may be truncating, but in the other cases it will be zero filled where SimConnect stops.




Okay, it seems to be clear . 


So, may your solution should work despite your answer ?




You could have a small Lua file, run as part of an [Auto] section in the INI, to read the string, extract the number (presumably discarding the alpha characters?) converting it to binary, and placing the result in a user offset (in the range 66C0-66FF). You'd use the "event.offset" function to keep things updated automatically.

Actually, I just noticed. Sorry, I didn't read your message carefully enough. You were wrong: look


313c - 78 - N
313d - 55 - 7
313e - 54 - 6
313f - 48 - 0

=============<<<<<<<<<< 3140?
3141 - 76 - P
3142 - 48 - 0


where is 3140?


I've checked here and I get the whole tail number. Please do your checks using FSInterrogate.



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