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DXB Departure anomily


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Running DXB (OMDB), departing aircraft on intial contact state  [departure, flight XXX with information XX at 5000, climbing to 3,000]. showing 050 on the screen.

A more realistic statement would  surely be [departure, flight XXX with information XX at 1500, climbing to 3,000].or at least a intial figure less than the intiial climb clearance.

Can this be changes, if so where, It's a little annoying that a departing aircraft if not immediatlly given a highber clearancee descends to 3000.

Kev M

Brisbane Australia


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Before the moderatore jumps on me. I was referring to Tracon 2012. I have seemed to have fixed the problem as follows:

1. go into to airspaceEd.exe & load the applicable .asx file

2. Under airports change the Alt to 60 from 5000. DXB aiprot is not at 5000 ft altitude. 60 is correct.

3. Select runways, reset the altitides of the various runways to 60.0

4. Save etc & ignore any warnings about no stars & sids etc.

Restart the program and the intiial call in the case of 30R departures is  [departure, flight XXX with information XX at 900, climbing to 3,000 (or something like that ] At least it is now more realistic than before.


Give it a go

Kev M

Brisbane Australia

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