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WeatherRadar ASN in PMDG 737

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Hello ,


I have some Problems with the WeatherRadar of PMDG 737 and ASN. If i remove the FSUICP.dll from the modules folder the WXRadar works but i need fsuipc for my controllers. I looked in the ASN WX Radar facilities in FSUIPC4 pdf and found some introductions :


To use the WideClient example you need FSUIPC 4.93 or later, plus:
WideClient version 6.999i or later.
WXRadar.lua example display for use on a Client PC, in the Lua examples pack
WXRadar.mcro file for assigning controls in FSUIPC, in the Lua examples pack
WXRadar.FSQ file, for loading into an FSInterrogate2 window and
examining or manipulating the various parameters, , in the Lua examples pack
Parameters to appear in the FSUIPC4.INI [General] section (optional, separately)
ASNwxRadarPath = <full pathname for the radar array to be written>
ASNwxRadarBitmapPath = <full pathname for a corresponding radar bitmap>


I added the second part in the .ini file, but i dont find these 3 WX files and i dont know what i have to do could please instruct me?

I have a paid version of FSUIPC and WIDEFS



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Hello ,


I have some Problems with the WeatherRadar of PMDG 737 and ASN. If i remove the FSUICP.dll from the modules folder the WXRadar works but i need fsuipc for my controllers. I looked in the ASN WX Radar facilities in FSUIPC4 pdf and found some introductions :


To use the WideClient example you need FSUIPC 4.93 or later, plus:

WideClient version 6.999i or later.

WXRadar.lua example display for use on a Client PC, in the Lua examples pack

WXRadar.mcro file for assigning controls in FSUIPC, in the Lua examples pack

WXRadar.FSQ file, for loading into an FSInterrogate2 window and

examining or manipulating the various parameters, , in the Lua examples pack

Parameters to appear in the FSUIPC4.INI [General] section (optional, separately)

ASNwxRadarPath = <full pathname for the radar array to be written>

ASNwxRadarBitmapPath = <full pathname for a corresponding radar bitmap>


I added the second part in the .ini file,


All that information is to enable FSUIPC to support Weather Radar for users and for FSUIPC client applications, such as Prosim737. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what PMDG does. I suggest you remove any ASNWx lines from the INI file. They should not in any way affect PMDG (because the ASN facilities are independently available to all), but you are just wasting processor time if you are not using the resulting files.


 but i dont find these 3 WX files



As stated (and you actually quoted above!!!) they are in the Lua examples package, as installed with FSUIPC and referenced in the Installation document in the original download ZIP for FSUIPC. How is it you found the WX radar document but not the file in the same folder it referenced explicitly?


But you don't need them or want them unless you are implementing your own WX Radar display!



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ok ,its has nothing to do with PMDG planes , but why works ASN weather radar on Dispay if FSUICP is deactivated? What can i do?


Please report this on the Active Sky support forum, as it must be something their end. There is no way FSUIPC is even touching the radar facility unless you opt for it, and in any case ASN should be able to cope with more than one program asking for it.



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