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FSX + FSUIPC + Saitek Yoke/Throttle/Rudder Config

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I will admit up front that I am really overwhelmed by the FSUIPC setup process.  For some reason, it's not "clicking" with me and I just don't "get it."  I've paid for the full version, but now that I have it, I don't know how to use it.


I have a fairly standard FSX setup with Saitek yoke/throttle/pedals, and just want to fly my FSX Cessna 172 but I am LOST!


Is there a standard config file for this fairly standard configuration setup that I could load to get me started?  I would pay for this if it were available.  If I could "see" how it's done, then I might have a better chance of of understanding it enough to begin configuring things out for myself.


Not sure how to press forward from here...any help greatly appreciated!!

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You sent the same message 4 times in the space of 20 minutes!! Please DO not try to flood the Forum!


I've deleted the other three.



I will admit up front that I am really overwhelmed by the FSUIPC setup process.  For some reason, it's not "clicking" with me and I just don't "get it."  I've paid for the full version, but now that I have it, I don't know how to use it.


You should really have read at least the simple User Guide first, to see if it was something a bit too much for you to understand.


I have a fairly standard FSX setup with Saitek yoke/throttle/pedals, and just want to fly my FSX Cessna 172 but I am LOST!


If that's all you have and all you want to do, why on Earth did you buy FSUIPC? What is it you wanted to do that you found you couldn't do by using just the FS facilities?


Is there a standard config file for this fairly standard configuration setup that I could load to get me started? 
The default configuration is fine You can still assign in FSX. The default settings don't interfere, do no harm, and some good, behind the scenes.
There's no such thing as a "standard configuration". It's a bag of tools. Everyone has different needs and uses tools in different ways. You pick out what you need and ignore the rest.
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My apologies.  I did not intentionally attempt to flood the forum.  It appeared that nothing happened when I attempted to post.  There was no response from the site that it had responded to my attempt to post.  Hence, the multiple posts.


My apologies, please.

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Your irritation with my query is noted.  I have obviously got myself in deeper than I expected.  Thank you for your help.


Sorry, it isn't irritation so much as perplexity. I just don't understand.


If you have something specific you want to achieve -- perhaps even the reason you bought FSUIPC -- but don't know how to do that, then I or someone else would probably be able to help. But just saying you've purchased it but don't know what to do with it is not really a question which can be answered. You need to say what you are trying to do, ask specific questions.



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