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Tower 2011 Atlanta


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In the past someone posted a revised airfield file for Atlanta where the terminal taxiways had been revised to be one way up on one side and one way down on the other. Does anyone have this file??




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  • 3 weeks later...

Easy to do yourself.



1st off, back up. Open airfiled folder in Tower2011 and save a copy of "Atlanta_Airport.afx" to the destop.



Open Airfiled Ed in the Tower2011 Folder (right click, run as admin)


Load Atlanta .afx File


Select the first item in the "Road and Routes" titled box and click the edit button to the right


You should then have a edit box called "Road/Route settings" for the particular item you selectedin the "Road and Routes" list


Now go to you top down view and hold Ctrl and left click the yellow taxi way you want to edit, the edit box will update to that taxiway


You can now see a drop down list called direction, change this as required, you'll see the arrows showing the flow direction on the map.


Hit X at the top right of the "Road/Route settings" once you have added the direction


then repeat for all taxiways you want to change.


Save the file over the original Atlanta file (you have a backup if something goes wrong).


That should be it.





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