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brakes flaps and landing gear

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I apologize for my bad english.

I have bought FSUIPC and i use it with FSX SE and the last version of Pro Flight Emulator.

My flight controls are only mouse and keyboard.

i have a strange problem.

when i start a flight all seems to be alright, but during flight suddenly some keys of my keyboard stop to work.

particularly brakes key ("."), flaps keys (F5, F6, F7 and F8) and landing gear key (G).

The strange thing is that G key move the lever in my cockpit but the gear doesnt go down. The same happens if i use directly cockpit lever by my mouse: the lever works but the gear doesnt go down.

When i use F5, F6, F7 and F8 i see the flaps lever move but the flaps dont change position and the flaps indicator dont move.

Also brakes key stops to work: if i press (".") or left click by mouse, brakes dont work.

I think these problems are connected to FSUIPC because when i run FSX SE without other addons all works well.

I hope you can help me.


PS FSX runs on windows 8.1.


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I apologize for my bad english.

I have bought FSUIPC and i use it with FSX SE and the last version of Pro Flight Emulator.

My flight controls are only mouse and keyboard.

i have a strange problem.

when i start a flight all seems to be alright, but during flight suddenly some keys of my keyboard stop to work.

particularly brakes key ("."), flaps keys (F5, F6, F7 and F8) and landing gear key (G).

The strange thing is that G key move the lever in my cockpit but the gear doesnt go down. The same happens if i use directly cockpit lever by my mouse: the lever works but the gear doesnt go down.

When i use F5, F6, F7 and F8 i see the flaps lever move but the flaps dont change position and the flaps indicator dont move.

Also brakes key stops to work: if i press (".") or left click by mouse, brakes dont work.

I think these problems are connected to FSUIPC because when i run FSX SE without other addons all works well..


I'm sorry, but FSUIPC cannot possibly interfere with any of those functions when directly input to FSX.  You need to look elsewhere.



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