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restart MCP2

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I'm using a VRI MCP2A device with Prepar3D 2.5, FSUIPC 4.939n and LINDA 2.6.3.


Occasionally the MCP2 locks up while flying (no idea why), and the only way to recover it is turning on and off the device and restarting Prepar3D. I tried other combinations as restarting LINDA, reloading the Lua engine but none works. I guess once turned on/off, the MCP2 requires to be intialized by FSUIPC.


Is there some way to restart the MCP2A device from FSUIPC, without closing the simulator completely ?




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Is there some way to restart the MCP2A device from FSUIPC, without closing the simulator completely ?


FSUIPC really doesn't care when a device is closed, disconnected, reconnected or whatever, provided the serial port diesn't change. It would be up to the way it is handled. Have you asked the Linda folks?


Better still, why not ask VRI support to help fix the device so it doesn't hang?



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