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Pete your help please

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Hello Pete,


I hoppe you ok and family. Let se if is posibel with my very light english explain my problem.


I have last Fsuipc version payware ofcourse, Spad drivers and all Panels from Saitek.


Let's start, i have configurated some time ago PMDG 737NGX few buttons under multi panel "virtual Button" Saitek using Mouse macros Fsuipc and everthing ok.


Yesterday i try to do the same with Flight1 ATR72-500 but no results and i decided to delete all new ATR Macro files inside Modules Fsx.


After that i go back to PMDG and assign two more Lights buttons using the same procedure, Saitek Switch panel and "Fsuipc virtual button" and "Send button to Flight Sim" i have created a NGX mouse macro like i did before but the problem now is when i hit the button Switch panel, Fsuipc doesn't identify the button and nothing happen aircraft Panel Lights.


I dont know if i have deleted something important or i am missing something about making mouse macros.


Is not a problem with the Switch Panel saitek because my olders NGX mouse macros are working perfect and any time i push one of the assigned buttons i may se with Fsuipc open all identified .


I have the sensation something is missing hear or i am not able anymore to create mouse macros completely well.


many tanks Pete


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Mouse Macros only work if the gauges concerned are written in one specific way, in C or C++ following specific gauge SDK rules. Very few newer aircraft gauges are written that way now -- many are in XML instead. You might find L:Vars more usefulf -- local panel variables.

As to what you deleted to lose your settings, I'm afraid I've no idea. Do you have a backup?

I also am not at all sure what you mean by "FSUIPC Virtual Button" -- where do you see that?

Oh, and sorry but I cannot support Saitek -- you need their support forum for their stuff.


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Thanks Pete, i geave up to this kind off things, i am to old to deal with all that staff :):) Everthing is to complicated and my english "light or very light"


doesn't help much, right ? Anyway Pete thanks, it's allways a pleasure to talk with you.


all the best and take care


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