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Little understanding problem reading from Project Magenta Offset


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I'm trying the status of the LEDs on PM MCP read. Programming language is VB-2013. 

I have the offset declared as SHORT because it has 2 bytes.

Public LED As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)(&H4F0)

How do I get the status of each LED in VB?

04F0         2 MCP/FCU Lights (Read Only)

Bit Light 
0  A/P Master L (1)  
1  A/P Master C (2)  
2  VS  
3   ALT HLD  
4   APP  
5   LOC  
6   LNAV  
7   HDG  
8   FLCH  
9   SPD  
10 THR  
11 A/T  
12 F/D  
13 A/P Master R  
14 VNAV 

I am grateful for any help :)

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The easiest way is to set the type as a BitArray: (You also need to add the offset length as the second parameter.)

    Public LED As Offset(Of BitArray) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of BitArray)(&H4F0, 2)

To read the state of a particular light just use an array index with the bit number you need.


For example this is how you know if the LNAV light is on or off:

        FSUIPCConnection.Process()        Dim lnav As Boolean = LED.Value(6)


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